Umami یک جایگزین مناسب ساده و سریع برای آنالیز وب‌سایت به‌جای Google Analytics

Umami is a simple, easy to use, self-hosted web analytics solution. The goal is to provide you with a friendlier, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics and a free, open-sourced alternative to paid solutions. Umami collects only the metrics you care about and everything fits on a single page.

You can view a live demo here


  • A server with Node.js 10.13 or newer
  • A database (MySQL or Postgresql)
Umami یک جایگزین مناسب ساده و سریع برای آنالیز وب‌سایت به‌جای Google Analytics
خلاصه اشتراک‌های روز سه شنبه 1390/06/29

Rider 2024.2.6 منتشر شد
Rider 2024.2.6 is out and introduces highly requested support for the .slnx format for solution files. This build also has several important fixes. The Show Diff Preview on Single Click option is available in the Commit dialog again, and there is no longer an issue with copying and pasting text from Rider when CWM is enabled.
Rider 2024.2.6 منتشر شد