مقایسه‌ای بین سرعت NET 4.7.2. و NET Core 2.1.

.NET 4.7.2 is for streaming data into memory between 2% (Unsafe Parse x86), 7% (Unsafe Parse x64) and 40% (Span Parse x64) slower than .NET Core. Especially the 40% speed drop for Span based Apis due to the lack of JIT support by the .NET Runtime is unfortunate.  

مقایسه‌ای بین سرعت NET 4.7.2. و NET Core 2.1.
آموزش ساخت یک بلاگ با Blazor .Net 8

In this video we will build a complete full stack Blog Web App using the new Blazor Web App with SSR with .Net 8 | Step by Step | From Scratch to End You will learn: New Static Server Side Rendering with Blazor, QuickGrid, Enhanced Navigation, Enhanced Forms, Stream Rendering, Image Preview & Upload, Identity Authentication, Interactive Server Render Mode for Admin Panel, and much more  

آموزش ساخت یک بلاگ با  Blazor .Net 8
NET 8 Preview 3. منتشر شد

.NET 8 Preview 3 is now available. It includes changes to build paths, workloads, Microsoft.Extensions, and containers. It also includes performance improvements in the JIT, for Arm64, and dynamic PGO. If you missed the March preview, you may want to read the Preview 2 post. 

NET 8 Preview 3. منتشر شد
روش پیاده سازی DDD

This is a practical guide for implementing the Domain Driven Design (DDD). While the implementation details rely on the ABP Framework infrastructure, core concepts, principles and patterns are applicable in any kind of solution, even if it is not a .NET solution. 

روش پیاده سازی DDD
معرفی استاندارد سورس باز #C

Moving the standards work into the open, under the .NET Foundation, makes it easier for standardization work. Everything from language innovation and feature design through implementation and on to standardization now takes place in the open. It will be easier to ask questions among the language design team, the compiler implementers, and the standards committee. Even better, those conversations will be public. 

معرفی استاندارد سورس باز #C
کدهای Pascal را توسط NET. اجرا کنید

PascalABC.NET is:

  • The new generation Pascal programming language that combines simplicity of classic Pascal, a great number of modern extensions and broad capabilities of Microsoft .NET Framework.
  • Free, simple and powerful IDE.
  • Built-in form designer for rapid development of Windows desktop applications.
  • Free LGPLv3 license. 
کدهای Pascal را توسط NET. اجرا کنید
بررسی تغییرات ASP.NET Core 2.1.0-preview2

Today we’re very happy to announce that the second preview of the next minor release of ASP.NET Core and .NET Core is now available for you to try out. This second preview includes many refinements based on feedback we received from the first preview we released back in February. 

بررسی تغییرات ASP.NET Core 2.1.0-preview2
نسخه 2 Asp.net Core فروشگاه ساز VirtoCommerc
فریم ورک‌های استفاده شده
  • ASP.NET MVC Core 2.0.0 on .NET Core 2.0.0
  • ASP.NET Identity Core 2.0.0
  • REST services clients generation with using Microsoft AutoRest
  • Liquid view engine based on DotLiquid
  • LibSaasHost for processing scss stylesheets in runtime

  • Multi-Store support
  • Multi-Language support
  • Multi-Currency support
  • Multi-Themes support
  • Faceted search support
  • SEO friendly routing
نسخه 2 Asp.net Core فروشگاه ساز  VirtoCommerc