ده روش امن سازی برنامه‌های NetCore.

Improper Authentication and Session Management

Most web applications have an authentication module, and we should be careful when writing code for it. We could make mistakes like not removing the authentication cookies after a successful logout. This kind of mistake allows attackers to steal user credentials such as cookies and session values, and may result in attackers being able to access the complete application and cause major negative impacts.

ده روش امن سازی برنامه‌های NetCore.
دریافت آخرین به روز رسانی تجمعی SQL Server 2016 SP1
  • This update contains fixes for issues that were fixed after the release of SQL Server 2016 SP1.
  • The latest 2016 SP1 update is CU2 - 4013106
  • You may have been directed here from a previous SP1 Cumulative Update Knowledge Base (KB) article (See SQL Server 2016 SP1 build versions)
  • This Cumulative Update includes all fixes from all previous SP1 Cumulative Updates, therefore it can be installed to resolve issues fixed in any previous SP1 CU 
دریافت آخرین به روز رسانی تجمعی SQL Server 2016 SP1
Async Streaming در ASP.NET Core

In this post, let's go through another feature that got introduced to ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 Preview 4. That is Async Streaming. 

Async Streaming در ASP.NET Core
سری ساخت یک forum با ASP.NET Core 2.0

Full Stack ASP.NET Core 2.0 MVC Forum Build

Topics Covered:
- Setting up a new ASP .NET Core 2.0 MVC web application with Identity user authentication in Visual Studio
- Separating Web, Services, and Data Access Layers in our solution
- Setting up tests with NUnit and .NET Core virtual in-memory database
- Debugging / Fixing bugs
- Implementing the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern
- Dependency Injection of Services into our Controllers
- Using input forms to pass data from our Views to our Controllers
- Azure file storage for Profile Image uploads
- Azure SQL database hosting
- SQL Database seeding for starting the application with a super-user
- Code-first database migrations
- Writing SQL queries to inspect data in our database
- Deploying the application to Azure.

سری ساخت یک forum با ASP.NET Core 2.0
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.4 منتشر شد
حجم تقریبی آپدیت از نسخه قبلی (16.11.3) حدود 1.11G میشه.
  • Windows 11 SDK support.
  • Adds Xcode 13.0 support.
  • Add AMD64 math functions to ARM64X CRT.
  • Updates to the ARM64 and ARM64EC interfaces between the binary and the POGO instrumentation runtime.
  • Fixed several problems with IntelliSense responsiveness and correctness affecting C++20 concepts, ranges, and abbreviated function templates.
  • Fixed a false positive in local lifetime checks.
  • Corrected an issue where arrays allocated with a constant of size > 32bits could allocate less memory than requested.
  • Ensures that ATL string initialization occurs during static variable initialization, in the default AppDomain.
  • Fixed a bug in C++ Concurrency::parallel_for_each that was crashing the calling process due to integer overflow.
  • Fixed a bug in the STL's iterator debugging machinery that could cause crashes in multithreaded programs using STL containers.
  • We have fixed a fatal internal compiler error caused by unnamed structs whose fields are referenced from SAL annotations.
  • Fixes a rare crash when analyzing templated code that uses __uuidof.
  • Fixed an issue that caused C++ static analysis results to sometimes not display correctly in the FixIt action.
  • Fixed opening .uitest extension files in Coded UI project
  • Fire component change events for non-component objects also in WinForms .NET designer
  • Fix for crash on deleting ContextMenuStrip control in Windows Forms .NET designer.
  • Guard against crashes when the Windows Forms designer reloads when dragging.
  • Fix for intermittent VS crash while interacting with WinForms .NET designer during solution or project rebuild.
  • Fixed a bug causing .NET 5 projects to be reported as out of date when they should have been up to date, causing slower builds.
  • Automatically disable asset-indexing for large scale Unity projects.
  • This release fixes an issue with deploying certain Windows Application Packaging projects where deployment is unnecessarily copying unmodified files. 
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.4 منتشر شد
جلسه پرسش و پاسخ در مورد آینده‌ی ASP.NET Core و Blazor

ASP.NET Core and Blazor futures Q&A | DIS201H


Join us for a discussion on the future of web development with the ASP.NET Core team. Get the team's perspective first-hand on the roadmap for ASP.NET Core and Blazor in .NET 8 and get all of your burning questions answered. We discuss Blazor, Native AOT, cloud native development, and anything else that you want to ask us about. 

جلسه پرسش و پاسخ در مورد آینده‌ی ASP.NET Core و Blazor
Automapper به بنیاد NET. پیوست.

AutoMapper has been a popular library in the .NET open source community for a long time. As their site says:

AutoMapper is a simple little library built to solve a deceptively complex problem - getting rid of code that mapped one object to another. This type of code is rather dreary and boring to write, so why not invent a tool to do it for us? 

Automapper به بنیاد NET. پیوست.
پشتیبانی از NET Core 1x. این ماه به پایان می‌رسد

Version Original Release Date Latest Patch Version Patch Release Date Support Level End of Support
.NET Core 3.1 Scheduled for November 2019

Will be LTS when released
.NET Core 3.0 Scheduled for September 23, 2019

Will be Current when released
.NET Core 2.2 December 4, 2018 2.2.5 May 14, 2019 Current December 23, 2019
.NET Core 2.1 May 30, 2018 2.1.11 May 14, 2019 LTS At least three years from LTS declaration (August 21, 2018)
.NET Core 2.0 August 14, 2017 2.0.9 July 10, 2018 EOL October 1, 2018
.NET Core 1.1 November 16, 2016 1.1.13 May 14, 2019 Maintenance June 27 2019
.NET Core 1.0 June 27, 2016 1.0.16 May 14, 2019 Maintenance June 27 2019
پشتیبانی از NET Core 1x. این ماه به پایان می‌رسد