Nebular جعبه ابزاری برای توسعه‌ی برنامه‌های Angular

Nebular is a great toolkit if you build Rich UI web-application based on Angular, and want to bootstrap your development using essential features out of the box. It provides you with a set of native Angular components, themeable components, authentication and security layers easily configurable for your API. At the same time, Nebular allows you to use it together with any other UI library you choose. 

Nebular جعبه ابزاری برای توسعه‌ی برنامه‌های Angular
nest فریم ورک قدرتمند nodejs بر پایه Typescript


Compatible with both TypeScript and ES6 (I strongly recommend to use TypeScript)
Based on well-known libraries (Express / socket.io) so you could share your experience
Easy to learn - syntax is similar to Angular / Spring (Java)
Dependency Injection, built-in Inversion of Control container
Exceptions handler layer (helps to focus on logic)
Own modularity system (split your system into reusable modules)
WebSockets module (based on socket.io)
Reactive microservices support with messages patterns (transport via TCP / Redis)
Testing utilities  
nest فریم ورک قدرتمند nodejs بر پایه Typescript
مصاحبه‌ای با Linus Torvalds در مورد استفاده از Rust در هسته‌ی لینوکس

Linus Torvalds talks AI, Rust adoption, and why the Linux kernel is 'the only thing that matters'

Switching to a more modern topic, the introduction of the Rust language into Linux, Torvalds is disappointed that its adoption isn't going faster. "I was expecting updates to be faster, but part of the problem is that old-time kernel developers are used to C and don't know Rust. They're not exactly excited about having to learn a new language that is, in some respects, very different. So there's been some pushback on Rust."

مصاحبه‌ای با Linus Torvalds در مورد استفاده از Rust در هسته‌ی لینوکس
ویژگی های جدید Visual Studio 2017 15.8 Preview 3

Microsoft's release notes highlights for Preview 3 include:

  • Visual Studio now offers .NET Framework 4.7.2 development tools to supported platforms with 4.7.2 runtime included.
  • We improved performance during project unload/reload and branch switching.
  • With added support for Azure Functions, you now have a new target host in the Configure Continuous Delivery to Azure dialog.
  • Git and TFS status now updates properly for external file changes in .NET Core projects.
  • We added new productivity features, such as code cleanup, invert-if refactoring, Go to Enclosing Block, Multi-Caret support, and new keyboard profiles.
  • C++ enhancements include Template IntelliSense, convert macro to constexpr lightbulbs, and experimental in-editor code analysis squiggles.
  • You can now use cross-language debugging with Python 3.7.0rc1.
  • Performance Profiling now offers the ability to pause/resume data collection and adds a new .NET Object Allocation Tracking tool.
  • We included improvements for Android incremental builds in the Xamarinsupport for Xcode 9.4.
ویژگی های جدید Visual Studio 2017 15.8 Preview 3
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1.4 منتشر شد
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1.4 منتشر شد
آیا مهندسان نرم افزار یک کالا هستند؟

WhatsApp had 450 million monthly users and just 32 engineers when it was acquired. Imgur scaled to over 40 billion monthly image views with just seven engineers. Instagram had 30 million users and just 13 engineers when it was acquired for $1 billion dollars.
This is the new normal: fewer engineers and dollars to ship code to more users than ever before. The potential impact of the lone software engineer is soaring. How long before we have a billion-dollar acquisition offer for a one-engineer startup? How long before the role of an engineer, artisanally crafting custom solutions, vanishes altogether?

آیا مهندسان نرم افزار یک کالا هستند؟
پشتیبانی از حالت تیره در Bootstrap 5.3

Bootstrap now supports color modes, starting with dark mode! With v5.3.0 you can implement your own color mode toggler (see below for an example from Bootstrap’s docs) and apply the different color modes as you see fit. We support a light mode (default) and now dark mode. 

پشتیبانی از حالت تیره در Bootstrap 5.3
دوره‌های دات نت در Microsoft Learn

Microsoft Learn For .NET
Free. Cross-platform. Open source.
Learn how to build apps across multiple platforms with programming languages like C#, F#, and Visual Basic. Supported on Windows, Linux, and macOS, get started developing your next project with .NET today. 

دوره‌های دات نت در Microsoft Learn
مقایسه‌ی Blazor و Vue

If you're comfortable with JavaScript and the ecosystem, Vue is a solid framework which can easily scale up or down as your application requires.

On the other hand, if you already know and enjoy using C#, and have generally found JavaScript (the language and ecosystem) difficult to learn and live with, Blazor WASM is potentially a game changer. 

مقایسه‌ی Blazor و Vue