کتابخانه jquery.WebRating
  • Easy to configure
  • Precision upto 0.01
  • Use stars, hearts, smiles or your logo
  • Integrate with your own database
  • CSS based coloring
  • Customized toop-tip option
  • Callback functions on click & hover
  • Limit number of clicks per page view
  • Use cookies to limit clicks per visitor 
کتابخانه jquery.WebRating
کتابخانه tabbedcontent
TabbedContent is a lightweight* tabs plugin that uses the HTML5 history API to add your tab navigation to your browser's history.

* 2.6 KB packed, 1.5 KB gzipped

It is compatible with both jQuery and Zepto.js libraries.
It also has an API that will let you switch between tabs externally.

Basic Demo  Bootstrap Demo  Bootstrap + Zepto.js Demo
کتابخانه tabbedcontent
Just My Code برای جاوا اسکریپت

 With the new Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013 – March 2014 Update comes a feature called “Just My Code” for JavaScript, which can speed up your debugging experience by allowing you to focus on debugging your own code, and not library or framework code. In this post, I’ll walk through how this works

Just My Code برای جاوا اسکریپت
نظرات اشتراک‌ها
نگارش بعدی ASP.NET Core از Full .NET Framework پشتیبانی نمی‌کند
منظور من اجرای ASP.NET Core بر روی Full Dot Net Framework نیست. با توجه به پشتیبانی اضافه کردن Assembly‌های کامپایل شده برای Full Dot Net Framework بدون کامپایل مجدد در Dot Net Core 2 که شامل نزدیک به 70% از Nuget Package‌های موجود می‌شود ( حتی مواردی پیچیده چون Web API OData و NQuery )، می‌توان پروژه را روی Dot Net Core 2 پیش برد و در صورت لزوم Dll‌های Dot Net Full را ارجاع زد. نتیجه حتی از اجرای ASP.NET Core بر روی Full Dot Net Framework نیز بهتر است، بابت مزیت‌های ذاتی طراحی Dot Net Core
فقط کسانی که نیاز به استفاده از WCF یا .NET Remoting یا Com Interop دارند، تحت تاثیر این تصمیم قرار می‌گیرند.
Can reference existing .NET Framework libraries. The best thing is no recompile required, so this includes existing NuGet packages. Of course, this will only work if the consumed libraries use APIs that exist in .NET Standard. However, our extensive API surface results in 70% of all NuGet packages to be API compatible with .NET Standard 2.0. 
بررسی چالش‌های استفاده از UTC و TimeZones در برنامه‌های تحت وب مبتنی‌بر ‪.NET

Using UTC in Applications

Using UTC dates for data is a pretty common and necessary practice but it definitely adds some complexity when managing dates as you always have to remember to properly adjust dates. For display purposes this is pretty straight forward, but for query operations there’s a bit of mental overhead to ensure your date math adds up properly.

No easy solutions, but I hope this post and some of the helpers make life a little easier for you – I know they do for me. 

بررسی چالش‌های استفاده از UTC و TimeZones در برنامه‌های تحت وب مبتنی‌بر ‪.NET
بررسی تغییرات C# 11

Exploring the Features of C# 11: The Modern Capabilities of a Vibrant Language [Webinar]
C# has evolved long since its introduction about 20 years ago. In this live-coding presentation, learn about the fascinating features of the most recent version of the language. We will explore the most interesting features, their power, and how we can benefit from them to create concise, expressive, and maintainable code. 

بررسی تغییرات C# 11
دوران رنسانس NET.

First, the decoupling of .NET from Windows
Second, the newfound focus on CLR performance
Third, moving .NET’s tooling to a cross-platform model
Fourth, the .NET user base is embracing the OSS ecosystem as a whole
Fifth, in general the direction on .NET development is pushing users further down into the details of the stack
Sixth, Microsoft’s platform work being done out in the open

دوران رنسانس NET.
ReadyRoll محصول جدید شرکت Red-Gate

Develop and deploy databases in Visual Studio with migration scripts.

Want to work on databases in Visual Studio alongside your application? Feeling the pain of managing and deploying database changes manually? Then ReadyRoll's the tool for you.

It generates numerically ordered SQL migration scripts that sit inside your project and take your schema from one version to the next.

You can add them to version control, use them to build and release, and automate database and application deployments, all in one process.

ReadyRoll محصول جدید شرکت Red-Gate
نظرات مطالب
توابع ارسال پیام و ارسال فایل به کانال‌های تلگرام
زبان تلگرام TL هست و تقریبا میشه گفت زبان پیچیده ای هست و همه چیز با عدد و رقم پیش میره، اما برای سی شارپ کتابخانه ای آماده شده به نام  TLSharp وجود داره که توابع عمومی تقریبا پیاده سازی کرده. می‌تونین ازش ایده بگیرین و کارهای خودتون به پروزه تون اضافه کنید.
لیست API‌های تلگرام هم می‌تونین اینجاپیدا کنید.
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6.7 منتشر شد
  • VS is more responsive when running Git operations.
  • Debugging large solutions with /debug:fastlink PDBs is more robust. Changes in the PDB/DIA lead to reduced latency and a 30% reduction in heap memory consumption in the VS debugger that used to cause crashes.
  • C++ compiler bugfixes:
    • Fix for the SSA optimizer incorrectly sinking a function call past a store to a variable used in a __finally handler.
    • Fix for the SSA optimizer sometimes incorrectly analyzing memory loads from locations with negative offsets.
    • Fix for the optimizer incorrectly transforming a pre-incremented loop into a post-incremented loop. This was found compiling the ICU project.
  • Microsoft bumped up the Java™ Development Kit 8 to Update 172 (JDK version 8u172). 
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6.7 منتشر شد