نظرات مطالب
مراحل ارسال یک پروژه‌ی Visual Studio به GitHub
GitHub امکان تهیه مخزن کد خصوصی هم دارد ولی رایگان نیست. سایت BitBucket امکان ایجاد مخزن کد خصوصی رایگان را دارد؛ البته با محدودیت حداکثر 5 کاربر تعریف شده‌ی برای کار با یک مخزن.
نظرات نظرسنجی‌ها
از کدام یک از برنامه‌های issue tracker استفاده کرده‌اید؟
Github Boards 
بدلیل سادگی، بدون پیچیدگی، امکان ارتباط با بخش issue‌های گیتهاب
لینک شدن به پروژه‌ها و امکان Private و Public کردن
تسکولو رو تست کردم برای شروع خیلی پیچیدس و کلی اپشن و منو موجوده حال نکردم باهاش
بوت استرپ 4 الفا 2 منتشر شد

Here’s a look at a handful of the changes since our last alpha:

  • Overhauled spacing utilities to use a numerical tiering (to avoid confusion with grid tiers).
  • Continued refactoring efforts to replace markup-specific selectors with classes across several components (including pagination, lists, and more). Still more to do here with additional components.
  • Reverted media queries and grid containers from rems to pixels as viewports are not affected by font-size. See #17403 for details. We’ve got a ton of grid work left, too. Feel free to follow along with#18471.
  • Reverted .0625rem width borders to 1px for more consistent component borders that avoid zoom and font-size bugs across browsers.
  • Renamed .img-responsive to .img-fluid to avoid future confusion on the various responsive image solutions out there.
  • Replaced ZeroClipboard with clipboard.js for Flash-independent copy buttons.
  • Inputs and buttons now share the same border variable to ensure components are always sized similarly.
  • Updated all pseudo-element selectors to use the spec’s preferred double colon (e.g., ::before as opposed to :before).
  • Cards now have outline variants and mixins to support extending base classes further.
  • Utility classes for floats and text alignment now have responsive ranges. This means we’ve dropped the non-responsive classes to avoid duplication.
  • Added support for jQuery 2.
  • And hundreds more Sass improvements, bug fixes, documentation updates, and more. 
بوت استرپ 4 الفا 2 منتشر شد
کتاب رایگان MongoDB 3 Succinctly

MongoDB is one of the biggest players in the NoSQL database market, providing high performance, high availability, and automatic scaling. It’s an open-source document database written in C++ and hosted on GitHub. Zoran Maksimovic’s MongoDB 3 Succinctly touches on the most important aspects of the MongoDB database that application developers should be aware of—from installation and the usage of the Mongo Shell, to examples of the MongoDB C# driver APIs for Microsoft .NET Framework.

Table of Contents

  1. MongoDB Overview
  2. MongoDB Installation
  3. The Mongo Shell
  4. Manipulating Documents
  5. Data Retrieval
  6. Basic MongoDB with C#
  7. Data Handling in C#
  8. Inserting Data in C#
  9. Find (Query) Data in C#
  10. Binary Data (File Handling) in C#
  11. Back Up and Restore 
کتاب رایگان MongoDB 3 Succinctly
نمایش لیست کشورها به همراه پرچم آنها به صورت dropdown با استفاده از select2
بعد از دانلود و افزودن  select2 ، برای پرچم‌ها سراغ semantic-ui  می‌رویم و بعد از دانلود آن، فایل flag.min.css در آدرس Semantic-Ui/components/flag.min.css را به پروژه اضافه می‌کنیم.
        <select ></select>

 $(document).ready(function () {

                data: [
                    { id: "al", text: "Albania" },
                    { id: "dz", text: "Algeria" },
                    { id: "as", text: "American Samoa" },
                    { id: "ad", text: "Andorra" },
                    { id: "ao", text: "Angola" },
                    { id: "ai", text: "Anguilla" },
                    { id: "ag", text: "Antigua" },
                    { id: "ar", text: "Argentina" },
                    { id: "am", text: "Armenia" },
                    { id: "aw", text: "Aruba" },
                    { id: "au", text: "Australia" },
                    { id: "at", text: "Austria" },
                    { id: "az", text: "Azerbaijan" },
                    { id: "bs", text: "Bahamas" },
                    { id: "bh", text: "Bahrain" },
                    { id: "bd", text: "Bangladesh" },
                    { id: "bb", text: "Barbados" },
                    { id: "by", text: "Belarus" },
                    { id: "be", text: "Belgium" },
                    { id: "bz", text: "Belize" },
                    { id: "bj", text: "Benin" },
                    { id: "bm", text: "Bermuda" },
                    { id: "bt", text: "Bhutan" },
                    { id: "bo", text: "Bolivia" },
                    { id: "ba", text: "Bosnia" },
                    { id: "bw", text: "Botswana" },
                    { id: "bv", text: "Bouvet Island" },
                    { id: "br", text: "Brazil" },
                    { id: "vg", text: "British Virgin Islands" },
                    { id: "bn", text: "Brunei" },
                    { id: "bg", text: "Bulgaria" },
                    { id: "bf", text: "Burkina Faso" },
                    { id: "mm", text: "Burma" },
                    { id: "bi", text: "Burundi" },
                    { id: "tc", text: "Caicos Islands" },
                    { id: "kh", text: "Cambodia" },
                    { id: "cm", text: "Cameroon" },
                    { id: "ca", text: "Canada" },
                    { id: "cv", text: "Cape Verde" },
                    { id: "ky", text: "Cayman Islands" },
                    { id: "cf", text: "Central African Republic" },
                    { id: "td", text: "Chad" },
                    { id: "cl", text: "Chile" },
                    { id: "cn", text: "China" },
                    { id: "cx", text: "Christmas Island" },
                    { id: "cc", text: "Cocos Islands" },
                    { id: "co", text: "Colombia" },
                    { id: "km", text: "Comoros" },
                    { id: "cg", text: "Congo Brazzaville" },
                    { id: "cd", text: "Congo" },
                    { id: "ck", text: "Cook Islands" },
                    { id: "cr", text: "Costa Rica" },
                    { id: "ci", text: "Cote Divoire" },
                    { id: "hr", text: "Croatia" },
                    { id: "cu", text: "Cuba" },
                    { id: "cy", text: "Cyprus" },
                    { id: "cz", text: "Czech Republic" },
                    { id: "dk", text: "Denmark" },
                    { id: "dj", text: "Djibouti" },
                    { id: "dm", text: "Dominica" },
                    { id: "do", text: "Dominican Republic" },
                    { id: "ec", text: "Ecuador" },
                    { id: "eg", text: "Egypt" },
                    { id: "sv", text: "El Salvador" },
                    { id: "gb", text: "England" },
                    { id: "gq", text: "Equatorial Guinea" },
                    { id: "er", text: "Eritrea" },
                    { id: "ee", text: "Estonia" },
                    { id: "et", text: "Ethiopia" },
                    { id: "eu", text: "European Union" },
                    { id: "fk", text: "Falkland Islands" },
                    { id: "fo", text: "Faroe Islands" },
                    { id: "fj", text: "Fiji" },
                    { id: "fi", text: "Finland" },
                    { id: "fr", text: "France" },
                    { id: "gf", text: "French Guiana" },
                    { id: "pf", text: "French Polynesia" },
                    { id: "tf", text: "French Territories" },
                    { id: "ga", text: "Gabon" },
                    { id: "gm", text: "Gambia" },
                    { id: "ge", text: "Georgia" },
                    { id: "de", text: "Germany" },
                    { id: "gh", text: "Ghana" },
                    { id: "gi", text: "Gibraltar" },
                    { id: "gr", text: "Greece" },
                    { id: "gl", text: "Greenland" },
                    { id: "gd", text: "Grenada" },
                    { id: "gp", text: "Guadeloupe" },
                    { id: "gu", text: "Guam" },
                    { id: "gt", text: "Guatemala" },
                    { id: "gw", text: "Guinea-Bissau" },
                    { id: "gn", text: "Guinea" },
                    { id: "gy", text: "Guyana" },
                    { id: "ht", text: "Haiti" },
                    { id: "hm", text: "Heard Island" },
                    { id: "hn", text: "Honduras" },
                    { id: "hk", text: "Hong Kong" },
                    { id: "hu", text: "Hungary" },
                    { id: "is", text: "Iceland" },
                    { id: "in", text: "India" },
                    { id: "io", text: "Indian Ocean Territory" },
                    { id: "id", text: "Indonesia" },
                    { id: "ir", text: "Iran" },
                    { id: "iq", text: "Iraq" },
                    { id: "ie", text: "Ireland" },
                    { id: "il", text: "Israel" },
                    { id: "it", text: "Italy" },
                    { id: "jm", text: "Jamaica" },
                    { id: "jp", text: "Japan" },
                    { id: "jo", text: "Jordan" },
                    { id: "kz", text: "Kazakhstan" },
                    { id: "ke", text: "Kenya" },
                    { id: "ki", text: "Kiribati" },
                    { id: "kw", text: "Kuwait" },
                    { id: "kg", text: "Kyrgyzstan" },
                    { id: "la", text: "Laos" },
                    { id: "lv", text: "Latvia" },
                    { id: "lb", text: "Lebanon" },
                    { id: "ls", text: "Lesotho" },
                    { id: "lr", text: "Liberia" },
                    { id: "ly", text: "Libya" },
                    { id: "li", text: "Liechtenstein" },
                    { id: "lt", text: "Lithuania" },
                    { id: "lu", text: "Luxembourg" },
                    { id: "mo", text: "Macau" },
                    { id: "mk", text: "Macedonia" },
                    { id: "mg", text: "Madagascar" },
                    { id: "mw", text: "Malawi" },
                    { id: "my", text: "Malaysia" },
                    { id: "mv", text: "Maldives" },
                    { id: "ml", text: "Mali" },
                    { id: "mt", text: "Malta" },
                    { id: "mh", text: "Marshall Islands" },
                    { id: "mq", text: "Martinique" },
                    { id: "mr", text: "Mauritania" },
                    { id: "mu", text: "Mauritius" },
                    { id: "yt", text: "Mayotte" },
                    { id: "mx", text: "Mexico" },
                    { id: "fm", text: "Micronesia" },
                    { id: "md", text: "Moldova" },
                    { id: "mc", text: "Monaco" },
                    { id: "mn", text: "Mongolia" },
                    { id: "me", text: "Montenegro" },
                    { id: "ms", text: "Montserrat" },
                    { id: "ma", text: "Morocco" },
                    { id: "mz", text: "Mozambique" },
                    { id: "na", text: "Namibia" },
                    { id: "nr", text: "Nauru" },
                    { id: "np", text: "Nepal" },
                    { id: "an", text: "Netherlands Antilles" },
                    { id: "nl", text: "Netherlands" },
                    { id: "nc", text: "New Caledonia" },
                    { id: "pg", text: "New Guinea" },
                    { id: "nz", text: "New Zealand" },
                    { id: "ni", text: "Nicaragua" },
                    { id: "ne", text: "Niger" },
                    { id: "ng", text: "Nigeria" },
                    { id: "nu", text: "Niue" },
                    { id: "nf", text: "Norfolk Island" },
                    { id: "kp", text: "North Korea" },
                    { id: "mp", text: "Northern Mariana Islands" },
                    { id: "no", text: "Norway" },
                    { id: "om", text: "Oman" },
                    { id: "pk", text: "Pakistan" },
                    { id: "pw", text: "Palau" },
                    { id: "ps", text: "Palestine" },
                    { id: "pa", text: "Panama" },
                    { id: "py", text: "Paraguay" },
                    { id: "pe", text: "Peru" },
                    { id: "ph", text: "Philippines" },
                    { id: "pn", text: "Pitcairn Islands" },
                    { id: "pl", text: "Poland" },
                    { id: "pt", text: "Portugal" },
                    { id: "pr", text: "Puerto Rico" },
                    { id: "qa", text: "Qatar" },
                    { id: "re", text: "Reunion" },
                    { id: "ro", text: "Romania" },
                    { id: "ru", text: "Russia" },
                    { id: "rw", text: "Rwanda" },
                    { id: "sh", text: "Saint Helena" },
                    { id: "kn", text: "Saint Kitts and Nevis" },
                    { id: "lc", text: "Saint Lucia" },
                    { id: "pm", text: "Saint Pierre" },
                    { id: "vc", text: "Saint Vincent" },
                    { id: "ws", text: "Samoa" },
                    { id: "sm", text: "San Marino" },
                    { id: "gs", text: "Sandwich Islands" },
                    { id: "st", text: "Sao Tome" },
                    { id: "sa", text: "Saudi Arabia" },
                    { id: "sn", text: "Senegal" },
                    { id: "cs", text: "Serbia" },
                    { id: "rs", text: "Serbia" },
                    { id: "sc", text: "Seychelles" },
                    { id: "sl", text: "Sierra Leone" },
                    { id: "sg", text: "Singapore" },
                    { id: "sk", text: "Slovakia" },
                    { id: "si", text: "Slovenia" },
                    { id: "sb", text: "Solomon Islands" },
                    { id: "so", text: "Somalia" },
                    { id: "za", text: "South Africa" },
                    { id: "kr", text: "South Korea" },
                    { id: "es", text: "Spain" },
                    { id: "lk", text: "Sri Lanka" },
                    { id: "sd", text: "Sudan" },
                    { id: "sr", text: "Suriname" },
                    { id: "sj", text: "Svalbard" },
                    { id: "sz", text: "Swaziland" },
                    { id: "se", text: "Sweden" },
                    { id: "ch", text: "Switzerland" },
                    { id: "sy", text: "Syria" },
                    { id: "tw", text: "Taiwan" },
                    { id: "tj", text: "Tajikistan" },
                    { id: "tz", text: "Tanzania" },
                    { id: "th", text: "Thailand" },
                    { id: "tl", text: "Timorleste" },
                    { id: "tg", text: "Togo" },
                    { id: "tk", text: "Tokelau" },
                    { id: "to", text: "Tonga" },
                    { id: "tt", text: "Trinidad" },
                    { id: "tn", text: "Tunisia" },
                    { id: "tr", text: "Turkey" },
                    { id: "tm", text: "Turkmenistan" },
                    { id: "tv", text: "Tuvalu" },
                    { id: "ug", text: "Uganda" },
                    { id: "ua", text: "Ukraine" },
                    { id: "ae", text: "United Arab Emirates" },
                    { id: "us", text: "United States" },
                    { id: "uy", text: "Uruguay" },
                    { id: "um", text: "Us Minor Islands" },
                    { id: "vi", text: "Us Virgin Islands" },
                    { id: "uz", text: "Uzbekistan" },
                    { id: "vu", text: "Vanuatu" },
                    { id: "va", text: "Vatican City" },
                    { id: "ve", text: "Venezuela" },
                    { id: "vn", text: "Vietnam" },
                    { id: "wf", text: "Wallis and Futuna" },
                    { id: "eh", text: "Western Sahara" },
                    { id: "ye", text: "Yemen" },
                    { id: "zm", text: "Zambia" },
                    { id: "zw", text: "Zimbabwe" }
                placeholder: "کشور مورد نظرتان را انتخاب نمایید",
                language: "fa",
                theme: "bootstrap",
                dir: "rtl",
                tokenSeparators: [',', ' '],
                multiple: false,
                templateSelection: format,
                escapeMarkup: function (m) { return m; }

در اینجا ما اطلاعات را به صورت دستی وارد کرده ایم. شما می‌توانید این اطلاعات را از سمت سرور دریافت نمایید.
در templateResult و templateSelection شما می‌توانید ساختار مورد نظرتان را پیاده سازی کنید. اولی در لیستی از dropdown به عنوان یک option و دومی وقتی که انتخاب می‌شود.
تابع fotmat به صورت زیر می‌باشد.
 function format(state) {
            var $state = $(
                '<span>' + state.text + ' <i class="' + state.id + ' flag"> ' +
            return $state;

لازم به ذکر است کلاس لازم برای ایجاد  پرچم کشوری مثل ایران با استفاده از Semantic-Ui به صورت زیر می‌باشد.
<i class="ir flag"></i>
و در نهایت خروجی آن به شکل زیر می‌باشد

نمایش لیست کشورها به همراه پرچم آنها به صورت dropdown با استفاده از select2
سری آموزش مقدماتی Git و GitHub

Git and GitHub Tutorials for Beginners!

#1 - What is Git and GitHub?
#2 - Creating Repositories and Commits
#3 - What are Git Branches?
#4 - Creating Forks and Pull Requests
#5 - Understanding GitHub Issues
#6 - Installing Git and Cloning our Repository
#7 - Staging Changes and Making you First Commit!

سری آموزش مقدماتی Git و GitHub
نظرات مطالب
استفاده از GitHub Actions برای Build و توزیع خودکار پروژه‌های NET Core.
یک نکته تکمیلی :
به هنگام تغییر فایل .yaml مربوط به github actions از روی local (و نه خود github) و push کردن آن به گیتهاب ممکن است به خطای زیر برخورد کنید.
refusing to allow an OAuth App to create or update workflow `.github/workflows/dotnetcore.yml` without `workflow` scope
این باگ قبلا اینجا گزارش شده است و راه حل آن نیز اینجا و اینجا ارائه شده است.
راه حل این است که Credential Manager ویندوز رفته و گزینه مربوط به "git:https://github.com" را حذف کنید. بدین ترتیب زمانی که دوباره دستور git push را اجرا میکنید از شما مجددا Crediential را درخواست میکند و بعد از آن می‌توانید بدون مشکل فایل .yaml را هل بدهید [ push کنید (-; ]
مستندات ASP.NET 5
    Getting Started
        Installing ASP.NET 5 On Windows
        Installing ASP.NET 5 On Mac OS X
        Installing ASP.NET 5 On Linux
        Choosing the Right .NET For You on the Server
        Your First ASP.NET 5 Application Using Visual Studio
        Your First ASP.NET 5 Application on a Mac
        Publish to an Azure Web App using Visual Studio
    Conceptual Overview
        Introduction to ASP.NET 5
        Introducing .NET Core
        DNX Overview
        Understanding ASP.NET 5 Web Apps
        Working with Static Files
        Dependency Injection
        Working with Multiple Environments
    .NET Execution Environment (DNX)
        DNX Overview
        Creating a Cross-Platform Console App with DNX
        Working with DNX Projects
        Using Commands
    Publishing and Deployment
        Publish to a Docker Image
    Client-Side Development
        Grunt and Gulp: Task Runners
        Manage Client-Side Packages with Bower
        Building Beautiful, Responsive Sites with Bootstrap
        Knockout.js MVVM Framework
        Styling Applications with Less, Sass, and Font Awesome
        Enabling authenication using external providers
        Account Confirmation and Password Recovery with ASP.NET Identity
        Two-factor authenication with SMS using ASP.NET Identity
        Data Protection
        Writing Middleware
مستندات ASP.NET 5