دوره کامل NET MAUI.

.NET MAUI Full Course : Cross Platform Development
.NET MAUI allows you to create multi-platform apps using one code base. That means you can develop for Android, iOS, macOS and of course Windows at the same time!
In this course I provide numerous examples on how to use all the tools MAUI provides. Check out the long table of contents below.  

دوره کامل NET MAUI.
تشخیص تفاوت بین IIS سرورهای مختلف

I commonly hear the phrase “The web application worked in the pre-production environment and now is encountering issues in production and the server’s configuration are identical!” when I appear onsite to help assist with the resolution of the issues. Upon further investigation, an IIS module has not been installed on the production server, or the configuration is different for an application pool setting between the pre-production and production environments. This is a very common scenario I encounter in the field and here are some suggestions on how to determine differences between IIS servers in an IIS farm environment or between servers in different environments, such as pre-production and production. Keeping server configuration and content synchronized is always a challenge and I hope these suggestions help out.

تشخیص تفاوت بین IIS سرورهای مختلف
آموزش ساخت اپلیکیشن های تجاری با WPF, MVVM, and Entity Framework Code First

آموزش عالی  برای کسانی که می‌خواهند WPF و الگوی MVVM و CODE FIRST رو باهم یاد بگیرند :

At the core of developing a data-driven WPF application is a thorough knowledge of how to use the MVVM Pattern and Entity Framework. In this course, Building an Enterprise App with WPF, MVVM, and Entity Framework Code First, you will learn the skills you need to create high-quality enterprise applications with WPF. First, you'll learn about typical scenarios like communicating between different ViewModels, detecting model changes, and handling many-to-many relations. Next, you'll learn all about creating a tabbed user interface. Finally, you'll explore implementing optimistic concurrency and styling your application. When you're finished with this course, you will have a deep understanding of WPF, MVVM, and Entity Framework that will help you immensely as you move forward and create your own data-driven enterprise application

آموزش ساخت اپلیکیشن های تجاری با  WPF, MVVM, and Entity Framework Code First
میزان محبوبیت زبان‌های برنامه نویسی بر اساس GitHub pull requests

The gist of the story goes as follow:

  1. The most popular languages are JavaScript/TypeScript and Python with roughly 20% of all pull requests each. In effect, if you put JavaScript/TypeScript and Python together, you get about 40% of all pull requests.
  2. Then you get the second tier languages: Java and Scala, C/C++, and Go. They all are in the 10% to 15% range.
  3. Finally, you have PHP, Ruby and C# that all manage to get about 5% of all pull requests.
  4. Other languages are typically far below 5%. 
میزان محبوبیت زبان‌های برنامه نویسی بر اساس GitHub pull requests
تمرین‌های SQL نویسی

The lost art of writing SQL queries
I noticed that most (junior) developers no longer are able to write anything but the most trivial SQL queries.  Time to fix that! 

تمرین‌های SQL نویسی
روش‌های مقابله با مشکل امنیتی Mass Assignment در ASP.NET Core
  • Use BindAttribute on the action method 
  • Use [Editable] or [BindNever] on the model 
  • Use two different models 
  • Use a base class 
  • Use ModelMetadataTypeAttribute 
  • Explicit binding via TryUpdateModelAsync<> 

This was a very quick run down of some of the options available to you to prevent mass assignment. Which approach you take is up to you, though I would definitely suggest using one of the latter 2-model approaches. There are other options too, such as doing explicit binding via TryUpdateModelAsync<> but the options I've shown represent some of the most common approaches. Whatever you do, don't just blindly bind your view models if you have properties that should not be edited by a user, or you could be in for a nasty surprise.

And whatever you do, don't bind directly to your EntityFramework models. Pretty please. 

روش‌های مقابله با مشکل امنیتی Mass Assignment در ASP.NET Core