پیاده‌سازی فرآیند Impersonation در ASP.NET Core

Impersonation Process

Impersonation is when an admin user is logged in with the same privileges as a user, but without knowing their password or other credentials. I’ve used this in couple applications and it was invaluable for support cases and debugging user permissions. 

[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")] // <-- Make sure only admins can access this 
public async Task<IActionResult> ImpersonateUser(String userId)
    var currentUserId = User.GetUserId();

    var impersonatedUser = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId);

    var userPrincipal = await _signInManager.CreateUserPrincipalAsync(impersonatedUser);

    userPrincipal.Identities.First().AddClaim(new Claim("OriginalUserId", currentUserId));
    userPrincipal.Identities.First().AddClaim(new Claim("IsImpersonating", "true"));

    // sign out the current user
    await _signInManager.SignOutAsync();

    await HttpContext.Authentication.SignInAsync(cookieOptions.ApplicationCookieAuthenticationScheme, userPrincipal);

    return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

پیاده‌سازی فرآیند Impersonation در ASP.NET Core
بررسی سیر تکاملی معماری کلین

تو این ویدیو به طور کامل از معماری لایه ای به معماری کلین رسیدیم و سیر تکاملی این الگوهای معماری رو بررسی کردیم. پیشنهاد میکنم حتما ببینید.

01:00 Previous Session 

05:00 Clean Architecture 

12:50 Review Hexagonal, Onion, Clean

"Understand all of this, but use only what you need"

  مدت زمان ویدیو : 19 دقیقه 

بررسی سیر تکاملی معماری کلین
هنر README نوشتن

This is an article about READMEs. About what they do, why they are an absolute necessity, and how to craft them well. 

هنر README نوشتن
نظرات مطالب
استفاده از Interop.word برای جایگزین کردن مقادیر در تمامی فایل (Footer - Header - ... )
سلام؛ من ازهمین روش شما استفاده کردم چند وقت پیش به وسیله  bookmark:
        private Document oDoc;
        public void createdoc1()
            var realpath="~/template";
            var filePath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/template"), Lcourseid.Text + ".doc");
            var oWordApplication = new Application();
            DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath(realpath));
            foreach (FileInfo files in dir.GetFiles())
            // To invoke MyMethod with the default argument value, pass  
            // Missing.Value for the optional parameter.
            object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

            //object fileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DocxPath"];@"C:\DocXExample.docx";
            string fileName = @"D:\template1.dot";
            //string fileName1 = @"D:\sss.doc";
            object newTemplate = false;

 object docType = 0;
            object isVisible = true;

            //System.Reflection.Missing.Value is used here for telling that method to use default parameter values when method execution
            oDoc = oWordApplication.Documents.Open(fileName, newTemplate, docType, isVisible, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing,
                ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);
           // usable in earlier versions of Microsoft Word v2003  v11
          //  if(Convert.ToInt16(oWordApplication.Version) >=11)
             //Sets or returns a Boolean that represents whether a document is being viewed in reading layout view.
              oDoc.ActiveWindow.View.ReadingLayout = false;

            //The active window is the window that currently has focus.If there are no windows open, an exception is thrown.

            if (oDoc.Bookmarks.Exists("Title"))
                oDoc.Bookmarks["Title"].Range.Text = "Test Field Entry from webform";
                oDoc.Bookmarks["Address"].Range.Text = "Address Field Entry from webform";

            oDoc.SaveAs(filePath, ref missing);
            oWordApplication.Documents.Close(ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);
            //oWordApplication.Quit(ref SaveChanges, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);
            ProcessRequest(filePath, Lcourseid.Text);
ولی این روش مشکلاتی هم داره. اول اینکه باید روی سرور تنظیمات خاصی رو انجام بدی. البته از تنظیمات منظور تنظیمات دسترسی کاربران هست. ولی استفاده از داک ایکس بیشتر استقبال میشه چون دردسرش کمتره.
NET Core 2.0. منتشر شد

 .NET Core 2.0 is available today as a final release. You can start developing with it at the command line, in your favorite text editor, in Visual Studio 2017 15.3, Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio for Mac. It is ready for production workloads, on your own hardware or your favorite cloud, like Microsoft Azure.

NET Core 2.0. منتشر شد
9 اشتباه متداول توسعه دهندگان ionic

Ionic has been around for two years now. It is a great set of tools for developing hybrid applications based on AngularJS. Ionic is extremely popular at the moment, with more than one million applications built and a growing community of thousands of developers. 

9 اشتباه متداول توسعه دهندگان ionic
وضعیت CSS در سال 2022

State of CSS 2022
Web styling features of today and tomorrow, as seen at Google IO 2022, plus some extras. 

وضعیت CSS در سال 2022