سرفصل‌هایی برای معتبر باقی ماندن به عنوان یک توسعه دهنده‌ی NET.

First it is important to recognize that the .NET Framework is not the same as .NET Core. The .NET Framework is effectively now in maintenance mode , and all innovation is occurring in the open source .NET Core now and into the future. So step one to remaining relevant is to understand .NET Core (and the closely related .NET Standard). 

سرفصل‌هایی برای معتبر باقی ماندن به عنوان یک توسعه دهنده‌ی NET.
من عاشق Entity Framework هستم ‍!

I love Entity Framework. I also like (not love) nHibernate. That’s right, as a DBA and data professional, I’m telling you I love Object/Relational Mapping tools (ORM). I think this is a technology set that the DBA needs to more tightly embrace. Let me tell you why. 

من عاشق Entity Framework هستم ‍!
Rider EAP 17 منتشر شد .

What’s in this build? Significant performance improvements were made, shared projects are now supported, code inspection severity can be configured, settings for our unit test runner can be edited, various updates to the NuGet tool window UI, and more. Check out the list of fixes in this build if you feel like digging into details. 

Rider EAP 17 منتشر شد .
مدیریت مباحث همزمانی مرتبط با یک Rich Domain Model با استفاده از EFCore و الگوی Aggregate

In summary, the most important issues here are:

  • The Aggregate’s main task is to protect invariants (business rules, the boundary of immediate consistency)
  • In a multi-threaded environment, when multiple threads are running simultaneously on the same Aggregate, a business rule may be broken
  • A way to solve concurrency conflicts is to use Pessimistic or Optimistic concurrency techniques
  • Pessimistic Concurrency involves the use of a database transaction and a locking mechanism. In this way, requests are processed one after the other, so basically concurrency is lost and it can lead to deadlocks.
  • Optimistic Concurrency technique is based on versioning database records and checking whether the previously loaded version has not been changed by another thread.
  • Entity Framework Core supports Optimistic Concurrency. Pessimistic Concurrency is not supported
  • The Aggregate must always be treated and versioned as a single unit
  • Domain events are an indicator, that state was changed so Aggregate version should be changed as well 
public class AggregateRootBase : Entity, IAggregateRoot
    private int _versionId;

    public void IncreaseVersion()
internal sealed class OrderEntityTypeConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Order>
    public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Order> builder)
var order = await _ordersContext.Orders.FindAsync(orderId);
var domainEvents = DomainEventsHelper.GetAllDomainEvents(order);
if (domainEvents.Any())
await _ordersContext.SaveChangesAsync();

مدیریت مباحث همزمانی مرتبط با یک Rich Domain Model با استفاده از EFCore و الگوی Aggregate
نحوه اضافه کردن چند پروژه در vs code

Visual Studio Code doesn't support solution files, whereas Visual Studio does. In Visual Studio we use solution files to link multiple projects together, and at first I thought that this was going to be a deal breaker for Visual Studio Code - but it's not at all. Many people aren't aware that Visual Studio Code, although lightweight, is a powerful editor that can do most of the things you need. 

نحوه اضافه کردن چند پروژه در vs code
نظرات اشتراک‌ها
تفاوت اعتبارسنجی ورودی ها با اعتبارسنجی مرتبط با قواعد تجاری
یک مطلب مرتبط
A next-level validation is domain validation, or as I've often seen referred, "business rule validation". This is more of a system state validation, "can I affect the change to my system based on the current state of my system". I might be checking the state of a single entity, a group of entities, an entire collection of entities, or the entire system. The key here is I'm not checking the request against itself, but against the system state.  

در چه شرایطی از برنامه نویسی ناهمزمان استفاده کنیم ؟

:When to use Async/Await

There are basically two scenarios where Async/Await is the right solution
I/O-bound work: Your code will be waiting for something, such as data from a database, reading a file, a call to a web service. In this case you should use Async/Await, but not use the .Task Parallel Library
CPU-bound work: Your code will be performing a complex computation. In this case, you should use Async/Await but spawn the work off on another thread using Task.Run. You may .also consider using the Task Parallel Library

در چه شرایطی از برنامه نویسی ناهمزمان استفاده کنیم ؟
معرفی کنترلی برای فرم های ویزاردی

This twitter bootstrap plugin builds a wizard out of a formatter tabbable structure. It allows to build a wizard functionality using buttons to go through the different wizard steps and using events allows to hook into each step individually 

معرفی کنترلی برای فرم های ویزاردی
کتابخانه twitter-bootstrap-wizard
This twitter bootstrap plugin builds a wizard out of a formatter tabbable structure. It allows to build a wizard functionality using buttons to go through the different wizard steps and using events allows to hook into each step individually
کتابخانه twitter-bootstrap-wizard