نظرات مطالب
رسم نمودار توسط Kendo Chart
امکان تهیه‌ی خروجی به صورت PDF، SVG و تصویر را دارد. کلمه‌ی export را در این صفحه جستجو کنید. یک مثال:
<div id="chart"></div>
      pdf: {
          fileName: "Products.pdf"
      legend: {
          position: "bottom"
      series: [
          { name: "Series 1", data: [1, 2, 3] },
          { name: "Series 2", data: [3, 4, 5] }

  var chart = $("#chart").getKendoChart();
پیشنهاد اضافه شدن type به JavaScript

Today we’re excited to announce our support and collaboration on a new Stage 0 proposal to bring optional and erasable type syntax to JavaScript. Because this new syntax wouldn’t change how surrounding code runs, it would effectively act as comments. We think this has the potential to make TypeScript easier and faster to use for development at every scale. We’d like to talk about why we’re pursuing this, and how this proposal works at a high level.


پیشنهاد اضافه شدن type به JavaScript
چکیده‌ای از Build 2019 مخصوص توسعه دهنده‌های ASP.NET Core
  • .NET Core is the future of .NET: If you’ve already started working with .NET Core, that’s great! If you’re starting a new project, you should consider .NET Core.
  • .NET Framework will continue to be supported: If you have any existing applications on .NET Framework (Windows-only), you can keep those on .NET Framework.
  • .NET Releases will become more predictable: Starting with .NET 5.0, there will be 1 major release every year,  after which each even-numbered release (6.0, 8.0, etc) will come with LTS (Long-Term Support). 
چکیده‌ای از Build 2019 مخصوص توسعه دهنده‌های ASP.NET Core
کتابخانه jquery-offcanvas
This plugin provides an easy way to put content outside of the canvas and reveal it with a click on a button or any desired element. This is a useful pattern for mobile navigations and more.  Demo
کتابخانه jquery-offcanvas