نظرات مطالب
C# 8.0 - Async Streams
یک نکته‌ی تکمیلی: محدودیت بافر IAsyncEnumerable
اگر بیش از 8192 رکورد را به صورت IAsyncEnumerable بازگشت دهیم، خطای زیر ظاهر خواهد شد:
‘AsyncEnumerableReader’ reached the configured maximum size of the buffer when enumerating a value of type ‘<type>’. 
This limit is in place to prevent infinite streams of ‘IAsyncEnumerable<>’ from continuing indefinitely. 
If this is not a programming mistake, consider ways to reduce the collection size, or consider manually converting ‘<type>’ into a list rather than increasing the limit.

برای تنظیم یا تغییر آن می‌توان از خاصیت MvcOptions.MaxIAsyncEnumerableBufferLimit در برنامه‌های ASP.NET Core استفاده کرد.
Lazy Loading و مزایای استفاده از آن در بخش Write سیستم

In Defense of Lazy Loading

I don’t know how this happened but for the last couple years (at least), whenever I read an author who writes about ORMs, I often see a sentiment like this: “ORMs are fine, just make sure you disable this pesky feature called Lazy Loading”.

It’s like this feature is not even needed and only brings confusion and performance issues to everyone who chooses to use it. Well, as you may guess from the title of this article, I disagree with this point of view completely. 

Lazy Loading و مزایای استفاده از آن در بخش Write سیستم
سری ساخت یک برنامه‌ی #C از آغاز تا پایان

C# Application From Start to Finish: Tournament Tracker Course - YouTube
28 videos, 192,192 views, Last updated on Jan 13, 2019
Follow along in this free course as I show you how to create an application in C# from idea through the finished product. Everything is shown on screen and in great detail. Learn how to use SQL databases, CSV text files, custom events, Linq, Lambda expressions, emailing, and more. Everything you learn will be in context of a real application.

سری ساخت یک برنامه‌ی #C از آغاز تا پایان
اکنون می توانید توسط یک افزونه هر برنامه NET. را به آخرین نسخه دات نت در داخل ویژوال استودیو ارتقا دهید

Now you can upgrade any .NET application to the latest version of .NET inside of Visual Studio! We are happy to introduce it as a Visual Studio extension and will upgrade your .NET Framework or .NET Core web- and desktop apps. In this video, Olia shows you how to get the extension and start to update your projects to the latest version of NET in minutes. 

اکنون می توانید توسط یک افزونه هر برنامه NET. را به آخرین نسخه دات نت در داخل ویژوال استودیو ارتقا دهید
برنامه نویسی چند هسته ای در .NET

In the .NET framework 4+, there is enhanced support for parallel programming, including new class library types, Tasks, Parallel For, Parallel Linq, and concurrent collections. Check out some of these features here. 

برنامه نویسی  چند هسته ای در .NET
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مثال هایی از نحوه نوشتن PBI
کتاب LINQ مختصر و مفید

Learn to use LINQ to simplify the process of coding and querying in C# and Visual Basic. LINQ Succinctly will guide you through the process, from conceptual understanding to practical implementation. With the help of author Jason Roberts, you will be streamlining your coding and querying practices in no time.

کتاب LINQ مختصر و مفید