NET 6 Preview 2. منتشر شد

Today, we are glad to release .NET 6 Preview 2. It includes new APIs, runtime performance improvements, and early builds of .NET MAUI. It also includes builds for Apple Silicon, which were missing for Preview 1. 

NET 6 Preview 2. منتشر شد
NET 8 Preview 6. منتشر شد

an exciting release incorporated with plenty of library updates, a new WASM mode, more source generators, constant performance improvements, and NativeAOT support on iOS. We hope you enjoy these new features and improvements. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey of making .NET better, together! 

NET 8 Preview 6. منتشر شد
نظرات مطالب
EF Code First #12
ممنون؛ در برنامه ای که از   linq to sql استفاده شده. بخواهیم  همین روش  ( Unit of work ) رو پیاده کنیم چه کاری باید انجام بشه؟ با تشکر
ارتقاء در WPF و Sql Connectivity در نسخه 4.6.1 .net Framework

Microsoft's .NET Fundamentals Team a few weeks ago announced a new version of .NET Framework 4.6.1. It includes a number of streamline improvements to Windows Presentation Foundation and SQL Connectivity, to name a few. And just recently, the team also re-emphasized end of support for versions of .NET Framework versions older than 4.5.1.  

ارتقاء در WPF و Sql Connectivity  در نسخه 4.6.1 .net Framework
انواع driver شبکه و موارد استفاده آن در docker

Bridge Network Driver

The bridge networking driver is the first driver on our list. It’s simple to understand, simple to use, and simple to troubleshoot, which makes it a good networking choice for developers and those new to Docker. The bridge driver creates a private network internal to the host so containers on this network can communicate. External access is granted by exposing ports to containers. Docker secures the network by managing rules that block connectivity between different Docker networks. 

Overlay Network Driver

The built-in Docker overlay network driver radically simplifies many of the complexities in multi-host networking. It is a swarm scope driver, which means that it operates across an entire Swarm or UCP cluster rather than individual hosts. With the overlay driver, multi-host networks are first-class citizens inside Docker without external provisioning or components. IPAM, service discovery, multi-host connectivity, encryption, and load balancing are built right in. For control, the overlay driver uses the encrypted Swarm control plane to manage large scale clusters at low convergence times. 


The macvlan driver is the newest built-in network driver and offers several unique characteristics. It’s a very lightweight driver, because rather than using any Linux bridging or port mapping, it connects container interfaces directly to host interfaces. Containers are addressed with routable IP addresses that are on the subnet of the external network.

As a result of routable IP addresses, containers communicate directly with resources that exist outside a Swarm cluster without the use of NAT and port mapping. This can aid in network visibility and troubleshooting. Additionally, the direct traffic path between containers and the host interface helps reduce latency. macvlan is a local scope network driver which is configured per-host. As a result, there are stricter dependencies between MACVLAN and external networks, which is both a constraint and an advantage that is different from overlay or bridge. 

انواع driver شبکه و موارد استفاده آن در docker
بهبودهای LINQ در NET 6.

Continuing our series on the over 100 API changes in .NET 6, we look at extensions to the LINQ library. 

بهبودهای LINQ در NET 6.
نگاهی به بهبودهای کارآیی در NET Core. و ASP.NET Core 3.0

What’s new for performance in .NET Core and ASP.NET Core 3.0 – Ben Adams
One of the biggest advantages of using .NET Core (besides cross-platform support) is the drastic improvements in performance. Because the .NET Core team was able to make minor breaking changes in the runtime and Base Class Library (BCL), lots of stuff was implemented much more efficiently. In this session Ben will dive into the performance improvements in .NET Core in the 3.0 release: runtime changes, JIT changes, intrinsics and a deep dive into some of the improvements making it the best release yet!

نگاهی به بهبودهای کارآیی در NET Core. و ASP.NET Core 3.0
Parallel Programming در Vb.Net
حقیقتا تا این لحظه تو پروژه ای استفاده نکردم ولی فکر میکنم یادگیری و استفادش ضروری باشه. ظهورش برمیگرده به .net1 با عنوان Threading. اما کار با Threading  خیلی مشکله. من که اینطوری فکر میکنم. حالا با اصلاح کلاس Threading  و آمده task خیلی بهتر شده. 
گام اول:Threading.Tasks را بعنوان namespace اضافه کنید
یک مثال: این loop در نظر بگیرید
Private Sub work()
        While True
        End While
End Sub 
میخوام برا متد بالا یک task تعریف کنم
Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub() work()) 
مثال دوم: یک لیست  تعریف میکنم و با استفاد از یک loop میخوام اجزا لیستو چاپ کنم.
Dim lst As New List(Of String) From {"meysam", ".nettips", "vahidnasirii"} 
Parallel.ForEach(lst, Sub(item) Console.WriteLine("name:{0}", item)) 
مثال سوم: میخوام از این تکنیک تو linq استفاده کنیم:
Dim no(9) As Integer
   For i As Integer = 0 To no.Length - 1
        no(i) = i
Dim result As IEnumerable(Of Double) = no.AsParallel.Select(Function(q) Math.Pow(q, 3)).OrderBy(Function(q) q)
   For Each items In result
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