Umami یک جایگزین مناسب ساده و سریع برای آنالیز وب‌سایت به‌جای Google Analytics

Umami is a simple, easy to use, self-hosted web analytics solution. The goal is to provide you with a friendlier, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics and a free, open-sourced alternative to paid solutions. Umami collects only the metrics you care about and everything fits on a single page.

You can view a live demo here


  • A server with Node.js 10.13 or newer
  • A database (MySQL or Postgresql)
Umami یک جایگزین مناسب ساده و سریع برای آنالیز وب‌سایت به‌جای Google Analytics
پاسخ به بازخورد‌های پروژه‌ها
استفاده از pdfreport برای اولین بار
لینک مثال‌ها خطا میده
Source control for your project is currently unavailable. Source code cannot be accessed at this time.
You can check our  System Outages  page to see if this is a known issue, otherwise you can report the problem through our  Contact Us  page. 
TypeScript 3.7 Beta منتشر شد

Announcing TypeScript 3.7 Beta 

// Before
if (foo && foo.bar && foo.bar.baz) {
    // ...

// After-ish
if (foo?.bar?.baz) {
    // ...
TypeScript 3.7 Beta منتشر شد
بررسی ساختار فایل gitattributes.

There is a lesser know .gitattributes file that can control a bunch of Git settings that you should consider adding to almost every repository as a matter of course. 

بررسی ساختار فایل gitattributes.
مقدمه ای بر Bot Framework مایکروسافت

Essentially, a bot is an application that can automate repetitive tasks or serve information to a user and, more and more, can interact with a user using natural language. As these bots get more intelligent and better at understanding us, this is providing a wide spectrum of use cases for bots to be used by and assist almost everyone. 

مقدمه ای بر Bot Framework مایکروسافت
کتابخانه dropzone
Dropzone.js is a light weight JavaScript library that turns an HTML element into a dropzone. This means that a user can drag and drop a file onto it, and the file gets uploaded to the server via AJAX.  Demo
کتابخانه dropzone