مقایسه‌ای بین TypeScript و ReScript

ReScript is not new. In a way it’s as old as JavaScript itself. ReScript is a rebranding of ReasonML (Facebook) and BuckleScript (Bloomberg), which wrap OCaml on both ends. The former is an interface of the OCaml syntax, while the latter makes sure to compile the AST into JavaScript. ReasonML was created by Jordan Walke, the creator of React. ReasonML still exists as a parallel project to ReScript, with a slightly different syntax and mission. 

مقایسه‌ای بین TypeScript و ReScript
انتخاب .NET Core یا .NET Framework

There are two supported choices of runtime for building server-side applications with .NET: .NET Framework and .NET Core. Both share a lot of the same .NET platform components and you can share code across the two. However, there are fundamental differences between the two and your choice will depend on what you want to accomplish. This article provides guidance on when to use each. 

انتخاب .NET Core  یا  .NET Framework
آنگولار متریال 1 منتشر شد

What makes 1.0 different from our pre-release builds?

  • Stable CSS and API surface.We're now confident in the API for these components and do not plan any breaking changes.
  • Supported platforms: Tested on IE 11+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Android 4.2+ and iOS 8+.
  • Angular 1.5-ready. You can use AngularJS 1.3 and later, but as soon as you update to the new release, you can be confident that ngMaterial components will continue to work as expected. 
آنگولار متریال 1 منتشر شد
بررسی ویژگی‌های جدید C# 8

explore what's new in C# 8, as well as what we can expect in the near (and far) future of C#!
We'll talk about:
- News in C# 8
- Pattern Matching (incl. Record Types)
- Nullable Reference Types and How to Avoid Null Reference Exceptions
- How Async & Await is Improving

بررسی ویژگی‌های جدید C# 8
مدل پیکره بندی جدید در ASP.NET CORE

ASPNET Core has a lot of changes compared with the others versions of ASP.NET. One change I want to highlight is the new way to configure settings. With previous versions, this configuration was made by using the common file web.config, but this file simply doesn’t exist anymore in ASP.NET Core. Instead, a new easy way to declare and access to the settings is provided. Let’s take a look. 

مدل پیکره بندی جدید در ASP.NET CORE
مشخصات یک ایمیل خوب

Email communication is not my favorite but since I can’t avoid it, I am trying to compose messages in a way that I think it makes it easier for both me and the recipient:
- to quickly address what is being communicated
- avoid misunderstandings
- save time

مشخصات یک ایمیل خوب
سیستم عامل Windows Core چیست؟ آیا آینده Windows است؟

A unified Windows operating system across all devices, from Windows desktops to Xbox One. How does that sound? Well, that’s what Windows Core OS is all about.

Though Microsoft has not officially released it yet, there is a lot of expectation online about this operating system and its potential to change the world of smart devices. 

سیستم عامل Windows Core چیست؟ آیا آینده Windows است؟
افزایش سرعت Store Procedures با Table Value Parameters
In an earlier column, I suggested that one way to speed up your application was to reduce the trips you make to your database, specifically by avoiding calling a stored procedure multiple times. To enable that, I showed how to pass a stored procedure multiple parameter values in a single call and then, inside the stored procedure, load the parameters into a table where they could be integrated with other SQL statements.
افزایش سرعت Store Procedures با Table Value Parameters