معرفی فریم‌ورک FAST مایکروسافت

What is FAST?

FAST is a collection of technologies built on Web Components and modern Web Standards, designed to help you efficiently tackle some of the most common challenges in website and application design and development.

What are Web Components?

"Web Components" is an umbrella term that refers to a collection of web standards focused on enabling the creation of custom HTML elements. Some of the standards that are under the umbrella include the ability to define new HTML tags, plug into a standard component lifecycle, encapsulate HTML rendering and CSS, parameterize CSS, skin components, and more. Each of these platform features is defined by the W3C and has shipped in every major browser today. 

ASP.NET Community Standup - July 7, 2020 - FAST Framework  

معرفی فریم‌ورک FAST مایکروسافت
پشتیبانی از ES6 Modules در مرورگر Edge

To light up ES6 modules and other experimental JavaScript features in Edge, you can navigate to  about:flags  and select the “Enable experimental JavaScript features” flag.
Read more at https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2016/05/17/es6-modules-and-beyond/#kifM95C2F1kLGvJI.99  

پشتیبانی از ES6 Modules در مرورگر Edge
چه درس‌هایی را از هک شدن Twitter می‌توان گرفت؟
Implement notifications (ideally, both email and phone push notifications) for every critical operation in the account lifecycle (email change, password reset, turn off two-factor authentication, account linking). Rather than picking and choosing, if it’s critical, it’s best just to protect it.
چه درس‌هایی را از هک شدن Twitter می‌توان گرفت؟
Visual Studio 2017 15.6 منتشر شد
Visual Studio 2017 15.6 منتشر شد
سخت افزار Nick Craver از برنامه نویسان ارشد Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow Developer Desktop Build - 2017

One of the things we're big on at Stack Exchange is hardware - we love it. More importantly, we love not waiting on it. With that in mind, we upgrade our developer machines every 2 years. In case it helps anyone else, I'm posting our current parts list here. This isn't set in stone, we review and update it to the latest tech every time we build a machine. We also customize the build for each developer if needed - for example those needing extra space or specific display connections, etc. I'll try and keep this page updated as we make changes


سخت افزار Nick Craver از برنامه نویسان ارشد  Stack Overflow
کتابخانه dropzone
Dropzone.js is a light weight JavaScript library that turns an HTML element into a dropzone. This means that a user can drag and drop a file onto it, and the file gets uploaded to the server via AJAX.  Demo
کتابخانه dropzone
راه اندازی ASP.NET Core 2.1 بر روی لینوکس در 10 دقیقه

I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to setup and install ASP.NET Core 2.1 on Linux. I did it for the first time in 15 minutes with no previous experience with .NET Core on Linux. I did it the second time, in production, in 5 minutes by following these instructions.

In this article, I show you how to install the .NET Core runtime on CentOS, how to get a sample ASP.NET Core project running on Kestrel as a service for reliability, and how to configure both the code and the firewall to enable remote access. Finally, I discuss what I would do differently for actual production usage. 

راه اندازی ASP.NET Core 2.1 بر روی لینوکس در 10 دقیقه
کتابخانه tap
Tap is a Javascript library for easy unified handling of user interactions such as mouse, touch and pointer events.
  • No need to detect what kind of events are supported, Tap handles this for you
  • Small distribution size of 1Kb
  • Use fastest event types supported (majority of browsers has ~300ms delay between touch/pointer events and click). Every millisecond does really matter!
کتابخانه tap