کتابخانه readable
Readable is a small jQuery plugin to help you make your paragraphs, well, more readable. It injects styling between the 45th and 75th character of every p tag on your page.  Demo

کتابخانه readable
کتابخانه jquery.enhsplitter
jquery.enhsplitter is a plugin to generate sliding splitters on your page. Useful for separating content, emulating the look of frames, collapsable tool windows, and more. Completely customizable look and feel, and touchscreen friendly.  Demo
کتابخانه jquery.enhsplitter
نمودار های کتابخانه D3js
D3.js  is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data.  D3  helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern   
نمودار های کتابخانه D3js
نظرات مطالب
PHP سریعتر از ASP.NET! افسانه یا واقعیت؟

به نظر من برای بحث در مورد PHP مقایسه سرعت در رده آخر اهمیت هست. مسایل بهتری برای بحث وجود دارند. مثلا:

- بدترین زبانی که تابحال با آن کار کردید، کدوم بوده؟

- The PHP Singularity

- PHP: a fractal of bad design

- PHP Sadness

- PHP is meant to die

اضافه شدن HTTP Logging توکار در NET 6.0.

HTTP Logging is a middleware that logs information about HTTP requests and HTTP responses. HTTP logging provides logs of

HTTP request information
Common properties
HTTP response information

HTTP Logging is valuable in several scenarios to

Record information about incoming requests and responses
Filter which parts of the request and response are logged
Filtering which headers to log

اضافه شدن HTTP Logging توکار در NET 6.0.
کتابخانه protobuf-net (پیاده سازی Protocol Buffers برای دات نت)

protobuf-net is a contract based serializer for .NET code, that happens to write data in the "protocol buffers" serialization format engineered by Google. The API, however, is very different to Google's, and follows typical .NET patterns (it is broadly comparable, in usage, to XmlSerializer, DataContractSerializer, etc). It should work for most .NET languages that write standard types and can use attributes. 

Nuget Package : https://www.nuget.org/packages/protobuf-net 

کتابخانه protobuf-net (پیاده سازی Protocol Buffers برای دات نت)