نظرات اشتراک‌ها
فراخوانی بیشتر از یک بار "window.onload"
- اگر از MVC استفاده می‌کنید، در فایل layout
    اینجا اسکریپت‌های عمومی قرار گیرند قبل از پایان فایل
    @RenderSection("JavaScript", false)
به کمک RenderSection کلیه اسکریپت‌های inline فقط در همین مکان فراخوانی آن قرار می‌گیرند. به این ترتیب در Viewها فقط کافی است یک section به نام JavaScript اضافه کرد تا در این مکان درج شود.
- در ASP.NET Web forms هم می‌شود این نظم رو پدید آورد. از ContentPlaceHolder استفاده کنید. یکی در master page تعریف شود دیگری در وب فرم به ارث رسیده از آن برای قرار دادن اسکریپت‌های خاص همان صفحه.
    ....  سایر قسمت‌های فایل مستر پیج
    <asp:ContentPlaceHolder id='PageScriptPlaceHolder' runat='server'>
حالا وب فرم شما فقط کافی است اسکریپت‌های خاص خودش را با ID فوق درج کنه
<asp:Content ID='ScriptIncludes' runat='server'  ContentPlaceHolderID='PageScriptPlaceHolder'>
  اسکریپت‌های صفحه در اینجا
مقایسه‌ای بین TypeScript و ReScript

ReScript is not new. In a way it’s as old as JavaScript itself. ReScript is a rebranding of ReasonML (Facebook) and BuckleScript (Bloomberg), which wrap OCaml on both ends. The former is an interface of the OCaml syntax, while the latter makes sure to compile the AST into JavaScript. ReasonML was created by Jordan Walke, the creator of React. ReasonML still exists as a parallel project to ReScript, with a slightly different syntax and mission. 

مقایسه‌ای بین TypeScript و ReScript
دریافت 9 هندبوک ویژه‌ی توسعه‌ی وب
  • The JavaScript Handbook (171 pages) fall 2018
  • JavaScript from ES5 to ESNext (84 pages) early 2019
  • The React Handbook (220 pages) early 2019
  • The Node.js Handbook (189 pages) fall 2018
  • The Express.js Handbook (61 pages) fall 2018
  • The Vue.js Handbook (122 pages) summer 2018
  • The CSS Handbook (173 pages) spring 2019
  • The HTML Handbook (87 pages) summer 2019
  • The Svelte Handbook (41 pages) fall 2019 
دریافت 9 هندبوک ویژه‌ی توسعه‌ی وب
پروژه sql.js : استفاده از Sqlite در مرورگر و جاوااسکریپت

SQLite compiled to javascript

For the impatients, try the demo here: http://kripken.github.io/sql.js/examples/GUI  

sql.js is a port of SQLite to Webassembly, by compiling the SQLite C code with Emscripten. It uses a virtual database file stored in memory, and thus doesn't persist the changes made to the database. However, it allows you to import any existing sqlite file, and to export the created database as a javascript typed array 

پروژه sql.js : استفاده از Sqlite در مرورگر و جاوااسکریپت
در آینده‌ی JavaScript کمتر از خود JavaScript استفاده خواهد شد

I can tell at least that in 3 years, JavaScript will gain more the status of a VM and lose the status of a language. Already today, not many people use raw JavaScript. You usually have some transpilation, at least e.g. Babel. In the future, Web Assembly will enable more innovation in that regards, and existing transpiling languages like Elm, TypeScript, PureScript will continue to improve. 

در آینده‌ی JavaScript کمتر از خود JavaScript استفاده خواهد شد
تازه ها در TypeScript
TypeScript continues its growth journey with more and more JavaScript developers and framework authors taking advantage of the excellent tooling and productivity boost that TypeScript provides in order to create apps that scale. In this session, we talk about the Typescript journey with a focus on some of the most exciting recent features and a preview of things to come. Apart from the language and tools enhancements, see efforts already underway to bring some of the power of TypeScript to existing JavaScript projects. 
تازه ها در TypeScript
Unit Testing در AngularJS

JavaScript is a dynamically typed language which comes with great power of expression, but it also comes with almost no help from the compiler. For this reason we feel very strongly that any code written in JavaScript needs to come with a strong set of tests. We have built many features into Angular which make testing your Angular applications easy. With Angular, there is no excuse for not testing. 

Unit Testing در AngularJS
ارسال محتوای فرم ها از طریق JavaScript

Web-based applications run smoother if instead of using the traditional form method, they use JavaScript to post data to the server and to update the user interface after posting data: It also makes it easier to keep POST and GET actions separated. SignalR makes it even slicker; it can even update multiple pages at the same time. Is it time to use JavaScript to post data rather than posting via the browser the traditional way? 

ارسال محتوای فرم ها از طریق JavaScript
استفاده از frameworkهای JavaScript از C#/UWP application
As a C# developer—even with a great, active C# community—you may sometimes find yourself a little bit jealous. What if we could bring the JavaScript language and ecosystem also into the C# world? What if a C# developer could use JavaScript inside C#? Fret not! I’m thrilled to announce a new WinRT project I’ve created—ChakraBridge— which will allow you to get invited to the party like any web developers.
استفاده از frameworkهای JavaScript از C#/UWP application
کتابخانه intence
Intence is a new UX concept and a JavaScript library which reflects the scrolling state in a simple and intuitive manner. It highlights the scrollable area depending on the scrolling amount, thus efficiently explaining to a user what exactly can be scrolled, and is there much to scroll. Intence is suggested as a scrollbar replacament for a general designation of a scrollable area. The library is written in vanilla JavaScript and has no dependencies.  Demo
کتابخانه intence