روش نوشتن یک مقاله به کمک GitHub Copilot

In this post, I will be writing about how I used GitHub Copilot to write this post. You might be thinking that GitHub Copilot is a for writing code and you would right. However, it is a tool for writing content also. 

روش نوشتن یک مقاله به کمک GitHub Copilot
مسیر راه ASP.NET Core 2.1

The following high-level features are planned for the ASP.NET Core 2.1 release:

SignalR - Real-time web framework on ASP.NET Core (aspnet/SignalR#394)
HTTPS - On by default and easy to configure (aspnet/Home#2308)
GDPR compliance - Templates updated with new privacy features (aspnet/Security#1561, aspnet/Identity#1341)
Web API conventions - Rich Swagger support without attributes (aspnet/Mvc#6870, aspnet/Mvc#6784)
IHttpClientFactory - HttpClient as a service, handle cross-cutting concerns like caching, retry logic, timeouts and circuit breakers (aspnet/HttpClientFactory#42)
ASP.NET Core Module in-proc hosting - 6x the throughput on IIS! Better startup error handling (aspnet/AspNetCoreModule#265)
Razor pages improvements - Support for areas, ~/Pages/Shared (aspnet/Mvc#6926, aspnet/Mvc#7193)
MVC functional test fixture - Easily test your MVC apps end-to-end (aspnet/Mvc#6233)
Build-time Razor - Compile Razor pages and views as part of your build, improved startup performance (aspnet/Razor#1809)
UI as a library - Package Razor pages and views as reusable libraries (aspnet/Razor#1809)
Identity UI package and scaffolder - Add identity to any application (aspnet/Home#2311)
WebHooks - Handle WebHook notifications from ASP.NET Core apps (aspnet/WebHooks#5)

مسیر راه ASP.NET Core 2.1
نگاهی سریع به فریم ورک های MVVM

One year ago MVVM wasn’t very famous. I remember the first article I read about it, about using MVVM to simplify the management of treeview controls. In the last six months, MVVM has been quickly promoted to THE methodology to use when developing WPF applications. During this amount of time, famous WPF developers started to merge their existing MVVM classes into libraries. Those libraries are now known as MVVM frameworks and contain classes designed to help developers to use MVVM in their projects 

نگاهی سریع به فریم ورک های MVVM