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نحوه اضافه کردن Auto-Complete به جستجوی لوسین در ASP.NET MVC و Web forms
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وقتی بخوایم از 2 جدول متفاوت جستجو کنیم به نظر شما اطلاعات هر جدول را جداگانه ایندکس کنیم(منظورم همان کاری که متد CreateFullTextIndex شما انجام میده) یا خیر؟
البته منظور دو جدولی که با هم رابطه دارند.

چندتا لینک در مورد لوسین:

لیست جلسات کنفرانس Focus on Windows

.NET Conf: Focus on Windows is a free, one-day livestream event that features speakers from the community and Microsoft teams working on Windows desktop apps and making them fantastic on the latest .NET 5. Learn why and how to upgrade WPF and Windows Forms apps to .NET 5, see Visual Studio tooling improvements, learn how to leverage cloud services from your client apps, and a whole lot more. You'll... 

لیست جلسات کنفرانس Focus on Windows
کتاب رایگان WPF Debugging and Performance Succinctly

WPF allows you to build modern desktop applications for Windows, and part of building an application is debugging code and optimizing performance. In Alessandro Del Sole’s WPF Debugging and Performance Succinctly, you will learn how to debug a WPF application by leveraging all the powerful tools in Visual Studio, including the most recent additions that allow you to investigate the behavior of the UI at runtime. Also, you will learn how to analyze and improve an application’s performance in order to provide your customers with the best possible experience and thereby make them happy.

Table of Contents
  1. Debugging WPF Applications
  2. Stepping Through Code
  3. Working with Debug Windows
  4. Debugger Visualizers and Trace Listeners
  5. XAML Debugging
  6. Analyzing the UI Performances
  7. Analyzing the Application Performances 
کتاب رایگان WPF Debugging and Performance Succinctly
آموزش ساخت اپلیکیشن های تجاری با WPF, MVVM, and Entity Framework Code First

آموزش عالی  برای کسانی که می‌خواهند WPF و الگوی MVVM و CODE FIRST رو باهم یاد بگیرند :

At the core of developing a data-driven WPF application is a thorough knowledge of how to use the MVVM Pattern and Entity Framework. In this course, Building an Enterprise App with WPF, MVVM, and Entity Framework Code First, you will learn the skills you need to create high-quality enterprise applications with WPF. First, you'll learn about typical scenarios like communicating between different ViewModels, detecting model changes, and handling many-to-many relations. Next, you'll learn all about creating a tabbed user interface. Finally, you'll explore implementing optimistic concurrency and styling your application. When you're finished with this course, you will have a deep understanding of WPF, MVVM, and Entity Framework that will help you immensely as you move forward and create your own data-driven enterprise application

آموزش ساخت اپلیکیشن های تجاری با  WPF, MVVM, and Entity Framework Code First
معرفی اعتبارسنجی بدون پسورد استاندارد WebAuthn

For decades, passwords have been the common backbone (headache) of authentication and are well known to lack in security while being frustrating and difficult to use. As we continue to see daily data breaches, the reality of moving away from weak static credentials and killing the password is upon us. Join this session to learn how FIDO2 and WebAuthn open authentication standards, in conjunction with YubiKeys, are solving the elimination of passwords at scale. Hear how organizations like Microsoft have implemented these standards for a true passwordless experience and find out how your organization can follow suit. You'll gain a greater understanding of how to achieve a modern and flexible security architecture through the use of FIDO open standards and hardware authenticators. 

معرفی اعتبارسنجی بدون پسورد استاندارد WebAuthn
مقاله ای کامل درباره استفاده از MVC و jQuery و JSON و paging و mapRoute
How to make CRUD with good performance in MVC
How to use jQuery dialog instead of JavaScript confirm or alert
How to make paging in an MVC list
How to make "show more" link using jQuery in MVC
How to use attributes with link
How to make a AJAX call in jQuery
How to use the Form collection in MVC
How to delete multiple records at one shot
How to use partial action in MVC
How to use JSON format in an MVC application
How to fill a master-detail combobox
How to use the jQuery datepicker
How to upload an image in MVC with a jQuery dialog
How to create a table row at client side
How to customize a maproute in Global.asax 
مقاله ای کامل درباره استفاده از MVC و  jQuery و  JSON و  paging و  mapRoute