سری آموزشی Bash Scripting در لینوکس

Bash Scripting on Linux

The Bash Scripting Essentials series will teach you everything you need to know in order to write effective bash scripts in Linux. The series starts with some introductory concepts, with each episode building on the last. By the end of this series, you'll be able to write your own bash scripts! The Bash Scripting series was one of the very first tutorial series on Learn Linux TV ever, so it's basically where it all started. Now, it's been remade and brought into the modern age. The new version of this series covers everything the original version did, with additional concepts added throughout.

سری آموزشی Bash Scripting در لینوکس
معرفی Kretes

Programming Environment for TypeScript & Node.js
Kretes is a programming environment for TypeScript applications built on top of Visual Studio Code. It combines a web framework with an editor into an integrated, battery-included solution. 

معرفی Kretes
نظرات مطالب
Func یا Expression Func در EF
با تشکر از شما
جهت اطلاع دوستان:
کتاب Functional Programming In CS نوشته Oliver Sturm به طور کامل مبحث Generic‌ها را پوشش داده و موضوعات Func و Expression‌ها را مفصل تشریح کرده است.
سایت JavaScript Garden

JavaScript Garden is a growing collection of documentation about the most quirky parts of the JavaScript programming language 

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