مدل بایندر برای تاریخ شمسی در ASP.NET Core

مدل بایندر برای تاریخ شمسی

How To Use:

//In Startup.cs:
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddMvcCore(options =>
            options.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, new PersianDateModelBinderProvider());

//In Actions:
     public async Task<IActionResult> SampleAction(DateTime birthDate)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //birthDate is valid
                birthDate is wrong

مدل بایندر برای تاریخ شمسی در ASP.NET Core
سری آشنایی با Blockchain

Take a dive into this history of blockchain technology, a decentralized and distributed ledger. Hear how blockchain has evolved to where it is today and imagine what the future might hold. 

سری آشنایی با Blockchain
پروژه coolstore براساس معماری مایکروسرویس ها

CoolStore is a containerised polyglot microservices application consisting of services based on .NET Core, NodeJS and more running on Service Mesh. It demonstrates how to wire up small microservices into a larger application using microservice architectural principals. 

پروژه coolstore براساس معماری مایکروسرویس ها
موشکافی ASP.NET 5

ASP.NET 5 is an entirely new web stack, rebuilt from the ground up to run fast, cross-platform, and completely configurable. Join David Fowler, one of the architects of ASP.NET 5, as he goes deep into the core of ASP.NET 5. What's the hosting model? How does the HTTP stack work? How do middleware and NuGet packages get pulled in to compose your application? How do the different servers (IIS, Kestrel, WebListener, etc.) actually work? How can you take advantage of these things to build lean, fast, optimized web apps on the new ASP.NET 5 platform? Come find out!

موشکافی ASP.NET 5
بهترین تمرینها برای ASP.NET Core Web API

In this post, we are going to write about what we consider to be the best practices while developing the .NET Core Web API project. How we can make it better and how to make it more maintainable.

We are going to go through the following sections:

بهترین تمرینها برای ASP.NET Core Web API
مقدمه ای بر XPLOT ،کتابخانه رسم نمودار در F#

XPlot is a cross-platform data visualization package for the F# programming language powered by JavaScript charting libraries Google Charts and Plotly. The XPlot library can be used interactively from F# Interactive, but charts can also be embedded in F# applications and in HTML reports. 

مقدمه ای بر XPLOT ،کتابخانه رسم نمودار در F#
صدور Exception یا بازگشت Result به عنوان خروجی متد، برای رسیدگی به خطاها


It’s pretty easy to differentiate use cases for Result and exceptions. Whenever the failure is something you expect and know how to deal with – catch it at the lowest level possible and convert into a Result instance. If you don’t know how to deal with it – let it propagate and interrupt the current business operation. Don’t catch exceptions you don’t know what to do about. 

صدور Exception یا بازگشت Result به عنوان خروجی متد، برای رسیدگی به خطاها