بررسی ویژگی‌های جدید C# 8

explore what's new in C# 8, as well as what we can expect in the near (and far) future of C#!
We'll talk about:
- News in C# 8
- Pattern Matching (incl. Record Types)
- Nullable Reference Types and How to Avoid Null Reference Exceptions
- How Async & Await is Improving

بررسی ویژگی‌های جدید C# 8
توضیحاتی درباره Extreme Programming

The first Extreme Programming project was started March 6, 1996. Extreme Programming is one of several popular Agile Processes. It has already been proven to be very successful at many companies of all different sizes and industries world wide

توضیحاتی درباره Extreme Programming
فایل‌های پروژه‌ها
- Fixed conflicts of default footer's font and default document's font.
- Added an optional parameter to DocumentPreferences.BackgroundImage method to specify the absolute position of the background's image.
- Enabled running in medium trust environment.
- Added PageTableAdded event. PageTableAdded Fires after each part of the MainTable has been added to the current page.
- Added CustomSummaryPerPagePdfReport sample to show how to use PageTableAdded event.

سرعت ایجاد اشیاء CLR

به نظر شما چه تعداد شیء CLR را می‌توان در یک ثانیه ایجاد کرد؟
برنامه کنسول زیر دو نسخه معمولی و نسخه پردازش موازی یک آزمایش ساده را برای اندازه گیری این مطلب ارائه می‌دهد:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ObjectInitSpeedTest
class Program
//Note: don't forget to build it in Release mode.
static void Main()

Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.WriteLine("Press a key ...");

private static void parallelSpeedTest()
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;

long totalObjectsCreated = 0;
long totalElapsedTime = 0;

var tasks = new List<Task>();
var processorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount;

Console.WriteLine("Running on {0} cores", processorCount);

for (var t = 0; t < processorCount; t++)
() =>
const int reps = 1000000000;
var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (var j = 0; j < reps; ++j)
new object();

Interlocked.Add(ref totalObjectsCreated, reps);
Interlocked.Add(ref totalElapsedTime, sp.ElapsedMilliseconds);

// let's complete all the tasks

Console.WriteLine("Created {0:N} objects in 1 sec\n", (totalObjectsCreated / (totalElapsedTime / processorCount)) * 1000);

private static void normalSpeedTest()
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

const int reps = 1000000000;
var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (var j = 0; j < reps; ++j)
new object();

Console.WriteLine("Created {0:N} objects in 1 sec\n", (reps / sp.ElapsedMilliseconds) * 1000);

هنگام اجرای برنامه فراموش نکنید که حالت Build را بر روی Release قرار دهید.

اجرای Blazor WebAssembly بر روی 6 سکوی کاری مختلف

a habit tracker app that is free to use on 6 platforms: Web browser, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and macOS. Approximately 98% of the programming code is the same for all 6 platforms. There are 3 different projects that use the shared code: - a Blazor WASM project for the PWA - a MAUI Blazor project for Windows, Android, iOS and macOS - a Photino Blazor project for Linux 

اجرای Blazor WebAssembly بر روی 6 سکوی کاری مختلف
طراحی Entity پایه برای کلاس های Domain

How you shouldn’t implement base classes

public class Entity<T>

  public T Id { get; protected set; }


Motivation for such code it pretty clear: you have a base class that can be reused across multiple projects. For instance, if there is a web application with GUID Id columns in the database and a desktop app with integer Ids, it might seem a good idea to have the same class for both of them. In fact, this approach introduces accidental complexity because of premature generalization. 

There is no need in using a single base entity class for more than one project or bounded context. Each domain has its unique path, so let it grow independently. Just copy and paste the base entity class to a new project and specify the exact type that will be used for the Id property. 

طراحی Entity پایه برای کلاس های Domain
شناخت NET Core, NETStandard, .NET Core applications and ASP.NET Core

As anyone in the .NET community who hasn't been living under a rock will know, there's a lot of exciting things happening with .NET at the moment with the announcement of the open source, cross platform, .NET Core. However, partly due to the very open nature of its evolution, there's been a whole host of names associated with its development - vNext, ASP.NET 5, ASP.NET Core, .NET generations etc.

In this post I'm going to try and clarify some of the naming and terminology surrounding the evolution of the .NET framework. I'll discuss some of the challenges the latest iteration is attempting to deal with and how the latest developments aim to address these.

This is really for those that have seen some of the big announcements but aren't sure about the intricacies of this new framework and how it relates to the existing ecosystem, which was my situation before I really started digging into it all properly!

Hopefully by the end of this article you'll have a clearer grasp of the latest in .NET! 

شناخت NET Core, NETStandard, .NET Core applications and ASP.NET Core
نگاهی به نوع‌های جدید DateOnly و TimeOnly در NET 6.

In .NET 6 (preview 4), two long-awaited types have been introduced as part of the core library. DateOnly and TimeOnly allow developers to represent either the date or time portion of a DateTime. These two new types are structs (value types) and may be used when your code deals with date or time concepts independently. Both types can be found in the System namespace. Using these new types may align well with how databases allow similar data to be represented. Specifically, these types align well with the SQL Server date and time data types. 

نگاهی به نوع‌های جدید DateOnly و TimeOnly در NET 6.
شمای گرافیکی کد در Visual Studio
Learn relationships between different potions of code.
Map dependencies for an entire solution.
Understand how application modification will affect the existing code.
Assess the coding modifications and possible risks that may result from those changes. 
شمای گرافیکی کد در Visual Studio
خلاصه اشتراک‌های روز دو شنبه 1390/06/28