پیاده سازی یک پروژه با ASP.NET Core Web API و Angular

Learn FULL STACK Web Development in 2 HOURS! ASP.NET & Angular

00:00:00 Welcome to our 2 hour FULL STACK Course!
00:01:12 What you will learn during the next 2 hours
00:03:29 Day 1 Multi-Page and Single-Page Applications, TypeScript, and Angular Components
00:21:57 Day 2 One-Way Binding and Event Binding in Angular
00:34:23 Day 3 Our Flight Booking Portal and routing in Angular
00:44:52 Day 4 The 'Search Flight' page, Design a HTML page, install Font Awesome using Node, and TypeScript interfaces
01:27:00 Day 5 ASP.NET Core REST API, SWAGGER for documenting and testing our API
01:55:51 Thanks for watching!

پیاده سازی یک پروژه با ASP.NET Core Web API و Angular
MSDN Magazine: March 2014 منتشر شد
A First Look at ASP.NET Identity 
ASP.NET MVC 5 - A .NET Developer Primer for Single-Page Applications
Patterns for Asynchronous MVVM Applications: Data Binding
Async Programming - Asynchronous TCP Sockets as an Alternative to WCF
MSDN Magazine: March 2014 منتشر شد
IdentityServer4 v2 منتشر شد

Wow – this was probably our biggest update ever! Version 2.0 of IdentityServer4 is not only incorporating all the feedback we got over the last year, it also includes the necessary updates for ASP.NET Core 2 – and also has a couple of brand new features. See the release notes for a complete list as well as links to issues and PRs. 

IdentityServer4 v2 منتشر شد
ترفندها در SQL Server 2014 DML Triggers

SQL Server 2014 DML Triggers are often a point of contention between Developers and DBAs, between those who customize a database application and those who provides it. They are often the first database objects investigated when the performance degrades. They seem easy to write, but writing efficient Trigger, though complex have a very important characteristic: they allow solving problems that cannot be managed in any other application layer. Therefore, if you cannot work without them, in this article you will learn tricks and best practices for writing and managing them efficiently. 

ترفندها در SQL Server 2014 DML Triggers
نظرات مطالب
رمزنگاری خودکار فیلدها توسط Entity Framework Core
 var encryptedConverter = new ValueConverter<string, string>(
               convertToProviderExpression: v => v, // How to save it: Do nothing --> Save it normally in the DB
               convertFromProviderExpression: v => new string(v.Reverse().ToArray()) // How to report it: Show it encrypted to the user
بازخوردهای دوره
استفاده از StructureMap به عنوان یک IoC Container

ممنون از را حلی که ارائه دادین، اشکال مربوطه رفع شد... مهندس جان حین اجرای برنامه و بدون استفاده از StructureMap حین اجرای برنامه کانکشن استرینگ رو تغییر میدم و از دیتابیسی به دیتابیس دیگه ای میرم و با تغییر متغییر و پارامتر مورد نظر کاملا جواب میده ولی وقتی با استفاده از StructureMap و روشی که فرمودین عمل میکنم اجازه سوئیچ روی دیتابیس دیگه رو نمی‌ده وتغییری هم درکانکشن استرینگ جدید ارسال شده به Context مربوطه مشاهده نمی‌شه . کاربر حتما نیاز به تغییر سال عملیاتی حین اجرای برنامه و یا دسترسی به اطلاعات سال عملیاتی همتا رو بدون خروج از سال عملیاتی جاری داره....

این error رو میده : 

The changes to the database were committed successfully, but an error occurred while
 updating the object context. The ObjectContext might be in an inconsistent state. Inner 
exception message: A referential integrity constraint violation occurred: The property values that 
define the referential constraints are not consistent between principal and dependent objects in the relationship.
تغییرات COM مخصوص NET 5.

With .NET 5, direct support of WinRT has been removed from the C# language and CLR, including most of the functionality previously provided in System.Runtime.InteropServices. In some cases, C#/WinRT provides equivalent functionality. In other cases, functionality may no longer be supported. This article provides a migration guide for interop scenarios in C#/WinRT. 

تغییرات COM مخصوص NET 5.
منبع کدهای MS-DOS در گیت هاب

In March 2014, Microsoft released the source code to MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0 via the Computer History Museum. The announcement also contains a brief history of how MS-DOS came to be for those new to the subject, and ends with many links to related articles and resources for those interested in learning more.

Today, we're re-open-sourcing MS-DOS on GitHub. Why? Because it's much easier to find, read, and refer to MS-DOS source files if they're in a GitHub repo than in the original downloadable compressed archive file. 

منبع کدهای MS-DOS در گیت هاب
SQL Server 2016 و تماس با خانه

How to Turn Off the Phone-Home Option for Standard and Enterprise Edition
Enterprise customers may construct Group Policy to opt in or out of telemetry collection by setting a registry-based policy. The relevant registry key and settings are as follows:
Key = HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\130
RegEntry name = CustomerFeedback
Entry type DWORD: 0 is opt out, 1 is opt in 

SQL Server 2016 و تماس با خانه