لاگ زدن تغییرات انجام شده در DbContext با Entity Framework 4.1
Many applications have a need to keep audit information on changes made to objects in the database. Traditionally, this would be done either through log events, stored procedures that implement the logging, or the use of archive/tombstone tables to store the old values before the modification (hopefully enforced through stored procedures). With all of these, there is always a chance that a developer could forget to do those things in a specific section of code, and that changes could be made through the application without logging the change correctly. With Entity Framework 4.1’s DbContext API, it is fairly easy to implement more robust audit logging in your application  
لاگ زدن تغییرات انجام شده در DbContext با Entity Framework 4.1
فایل‌های پروژه‌ها
- Added FixedHeight and MinimumHeight to columns definitions.
- Added PDF to image sample, using Adobe Acrobat's SDK. (PdfThumbnailComparer & PdfThumbnailComparer.Lib)
- Added `dumpLevel` to StronglyTypedListDataSource to avoid stack overflow exception with dynamic proxies of Entity framework.
- Added `Samples\EFCodeFirstSample` with lazy Loading And DynamicProxies enabled.
- Updated sample files to show how to change default font's size and color.
- Added an optional font builder method to columns definitions.
همکاری با DevComponents در زمینه تولید کامپوننت!

سال‌هاست که از کامپوننت‌های DevComponents در کارهای خودم استفاده می‌کنم. شاید شما هم از طرفداران این کامپوننت‌ها باشید چرا که در بین شرکت‌های موجود، ارائه کیفیت در عین حفظ کمترین تعداد dllها از ویژگی‌های بارز DevComponents محسوب می‌شود.
در حالیکه برای بررسی نخسه‌های آخر سری به وب‌سایت و بعد وبلاگشون زدم، متوجه شدم که DevComponents علاقمند به همکاری با برنامه‌نویسان و طراحان از سرتاسر دنیاست. متن آغازین این همکاری برام خیلی جالب بود:

"There are three kinds of people in this world: Those who make things happen; those who watch things happen; and those who just wonder what a heck happened? "

خلاصه اگر به دسته اول تعلق دارید، می‌توانید از این فرصت بهره‌مند شوید. تنها چیزی که به آن احتیاج دارید بستر اینترنت خوب برای برقراری ارتباط می‌باشد.

You can be located anywhere in the world as long as you have internet connection. You can work any hours you want as long as work gets done. You have freedom and control over your working hours. All we ask for is that things get done. You will also get responsibility of supporting whatever you develop since we believe that is the best way to understand what our customers need. 

همکاری با DevComponents در زمینه تولید کامپوننت!
ثبت وقایع توکار در NET Core.

For an application, logging is very important to keep track of that application and keep it error-free. In .NET Core, we don't need any third party logging; instead, we can use built-in logging whenever we want. This is very efficient in terms of code and performance.

Let’s start. Create a new .NET Core application and name it. 

ثبت وقایع توکار در NET Core.
Entity Framework 7 RC1 منتشر شد

Today we are making Entity Framework 7 RC1 available. EF7 will be the next major release of Entity Framework and is currently in pre-release. 

Entity Framework 7 RC1 منتشر شد
EF 7 نسخه بتا 8
Today we are making Entity Framework 7 Beta 8 available. EF7 will be the next major release of Entity Framework and is currently in pre-release.  
EF 7 نسخه بتا 8
Entity Framework Core 3.0 RC1 منتشر شد

Here are a couple of the most relevant improvements you may want to verify:

  • Work on the EF Core in-memory provider was finished and most query features should now be working (the majority of it went into RC1)
  • EF Core’s compilation performance was improved significantly for complex queries 
Entity Framework Core 3.0 RC1 منتشر شد
بروز رسانی با Microsoft Sync Framework

Sync Framework is a comprehensive synchronization platform that enables collaboration and offline access for applications, services, and devices. Sync Framework features technologies and tools that enable roaming, data sharing, and taking data offline. By using Sync Framework, developers can build synchronization ecosystems that integrate any application with data from any store, by using any protocol over any network. 

بروز رسانی با Microsoft Sync Framework
NET Framework 4.7. منتشر شد

The .NET Framework 4.7 includes improvements in several areas:

  1. High DPI support for Windows Forms applications on Windows 10
  2. Touch support for WPF applications on Windows 10
  3. Enhanced cryptography support
  4. Performance and reliability improvements 
NET Framework 4.7. منتشر شد