NET Core 3.1. تا یک ماه دیگر ارائه خواهد شد
Milestone Release Date
.NET Core 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 1.x (servicing) Approximately every 1-2 months or as needed (see also releases)
.NET Core 3.0 Preview releases
RC (Release Candidate) released in September 2019 (Preview 9)
GA (General Availability) released on September 23, 2019
.NET Core 3.1 LTS (Long Term Support) release, scheduled for November 2019
.NET 5.0 Release scheduled for November 2020
.NET 6.0 LTS (Long Term Support) release, scheduled for November 2021
.NET 7.0 Release scheduled for November 2022
.NET 8.0 LTS (Long Term Support) release, scheduled for November 2023

NET Core 3.1. تا یک ماه دیگر ارائه خواهد شد
نظرات مطالب
آشنایی و بررسی ابزار Glimpse
- محل گزارش خطاهای این پروژه
+ در EF 6 فایل کانفیگ برنامه حتما باید ویرایش شود و تعریف پروایدر را داشته باشد (^ و ^)؛ مثلا:
      <provider invariantName="System.Data.Odbc" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" />
      <provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" />
Full-Text Search در MongoDB

MongoDB, one of the leading NoSQL databases, is well known for its fast performance, flexible schema, scalability and great indexing capabilities. At the core of this fast performance lies MongoDB indexes, which support efficient execution of queries by avoiding full-collection scans and hence limiting the number of documents MongoDB searches.

Starting from version 2.4, MongoDB began with an experimental feature supporting Full-Text Search using Text Indexes .
Full-Text Search در MongoDB
انتشار EF6.1.3 RTM
EF6.1.3 just contain fixes to high priority issues that have been reported on the 6.1.2 release. The fixes include
Query: Regression in EF 6.1.2: OUTER APPLY introduced and more compex queries for 1:1 relationships and "let" clause
TPT problem with hiding base class property in inherited class
DbMigration.Sql fails when the word 'go' is contained in the text
Create compatibility flag for UnionAll and Intersect flattening support
Query with multiple Includes does not work in 6.1.2 (working in 6.1.1)
"You have an error in your SQL syntax" after upgrading from EF 6.1.1 to 6.1.2
انتشار EF6.1.3 RTM
IIS 10.0 Express منتشر شد

Internet Information Services (IIS) 10.0 Express is a free, simple and self-contained version of IIS that is optimized for developers. IIS 10.0 Express makes it easy to use the most current version of IIS to develop and test websites. IIS 10.0 Express has all the core capabilities of IIS 10.0 and additional features to ease website development.

The benefits of using IIS 10.0 Express include:

  • The same web server that runs on your production server is now available on your development computer.
  • Most tasks can be done without the need for administrative privileges.
  • IIS Express runs on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and all later versions of Windows.
  • Many users can work independently on the same computer. 
IIS 10.0 Express منتشر شد
بایدها و نبایدهای برنامه نویسی async در دات نت از تیم ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core Diagnostic Scenarios

The goal of this repository is to show problematic application patterns for ASP.NET Core applications and a walk through on how to solve those issues. It shall serve as a collection of knowledge from real life application issues our customers have encountered.

بایدها و نبایدهای برنامه نویسی async در دات نت از تیم ASP.NET Core