سری آموزشی RxJS

All posts in RxJS series:
RxJS – Part 1 – Introduction
RxJS – Part 2 – Observable
RxJS – Part 3 – Hot and Cold Observable
RxJS – Part 4 – Operators
RxJS – Part 5 – RxJS error handling
RxJS – Part 6 – Chat application with RxJS 

سری آموزشی RxJS
با DotVVM، برنامه‌های ASP.NET Web Forms خود را بر فراز NET Core. اجرا کنید!

Did you know that DotVVM can be used to incrementally modernize old ASP.NET Web Forms applications and lift them to .NET Core? It is much easier than doing a full rewrite, and the application can be deployed at any time during the entire process.

  • Install DotVVM NuGet package in your Web Forms site
  • Create a DotVVM master page using the same CSS
  • Start converting ASPX pages to DotHTML syntax, one at a time
  • When all the Web Forms pages are gone, change your CSPROJ to use .NET Core 
با DotVVM، برنامه‌های ASP.NET Web Forms خود را بر فراز NET Core. اجرا کنید!
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.4 منتشر شد
حجم تقریبی آپدیت از نسخه قبلی (16.11.3) حدود 1.11G میشه.
  • Windows 11 SDK support.
  • Adds Xcode 13.0 support.
  • Add AMD64 math functions to ARM64X CRT.
  • Updates to the ARM64 and ARM64EC interfaces between the binary and the POGO instrumentation runtime.
  • Fixed several problems with IntelliSense responsiveness and correctness affecting C++20 concepts, ranges, and abbreviated function templates.
  • Fixed a false positive in local lifetime checks.
  • Corrected an issue where arrays allocated with a constant of size > 32bits could allocate less memory than requested.
  • Ensures that ATL string initialization occurs during static variable initialization, in the default AppDomain.
  • Fixed a bug in C++ Concurrency::parallel_for_each that was crashing the calling process due to integer overflow.
  • Fixed a bug in the STL's iterator debugging machinery that could cause crashes in multithreaded programs using STL containers.
  • We have fixed a fatal internal compiler error caused by unnamed structs whose fields are referenced from SAL annotations.
  • Fixes a rare crash when analyzing templated code that uses __uuidof.
  • Fixed an issue that caused C++ static analysis results to sometimes not display correctly in the FixIt action.
  • Fixed opening .uitest extension files in Coded UI project
  • Fire component change events for non-component objects also in WinForms .NET designer
  • Fix for crash on deleting ContextMenuStrip control in Windows Forms .NET designer.
  • Guard against crashes when the Windows Forms designer reloads when dragging.
  • Fix for intermittent VS crash while interacting with WinForms .NET designer during solution or project rebuild.
  • Fixed a bug causing .NET 5 projects to be reported as out of date when they should have been up to date, causing slower builds.
  • Automatically disable asset-indexing for large scale Unity projects.
  • This release fixes an issue with deploying certain Windows Application Packaging projects where deployment is unnecessarily copying unmodified files. 
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.4 منتشر شد
تحقیق Stack Overflow برای دوست داشتنی ترین زبان و سیستم عامل
latest research conducted by Stack Overflow, the Q&A resource site for developers, programmers have revealed their most-loved languages and platforms of 2015. Their findings are based on the responses of 26,086 people from 157 countries and consist of full-stack developers, mobile developers, and front-end developers.
تحقیق Stack Overflow برای دوست داشتنی ترین زبان و سیستم عامل
یادگیری Git Branching به صورت تعاملی

Interested in learning Git? Well you've come to the right place! "Learn Git Branching" is the most visual and interactive way to learn Git on the web; you'll be challenged with exciting levels, given step-by-step demonstrations of powerful features, and maybe even have a bit of fun along the way. 

یادگیری Git Branching به صورت تعاملی
نحوه استفاده از source control بر روی دیتابیس

A robust DevOps environment requires having continuous integration for every component of the system. But far too often, the database is omitted from the equation, leading to problems from fragile production releases and inefficient development practices to simply making it harder to onboard new programmers.

In this article, we discuss the unique aspects of databases, both relational and NoSQL, in a successful continuous integration environment. 

نحوه استفاده از source control بر روی دیتابیس
انتشار Stimulsoft Reports 2018.1 با پشتیبانی از NET Core.

Native .NET Core Support
In the release 2018.1, we present a full-featured report generator, created using the cross-platform technology — .NET Core. A full set of Web components such as the report designer as well as additional tools for quick export and report printing is available. The .NET Core components are included in the product Stimulsoft Reports.Web and Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate. 

انتشار Stimulsoft Reports 2018.1 با پشتیبانی از NET Core.
نگاهی به مراحل تکامل زبان #C

Since its original release in 2002, C# has been regularly updated with new features. Today, we will look at the most important new features of each major language version and explore how the C# code we have been writing, has evolved through years.  

نگاهی به مراحل تکامل زبان #C