سری آموزش زبان Rust از مایکروسافت

Rust has been ranked as one of the most loved languages by developers. In this series, you will learn the fundamentals of Rust development. We'll start by downloading the tools you need to program with Rust, walk through common concepts, and share what's unique about Rust. By the end of this series, you will have enough knowledge to go forth and write your own Rust programs. It's highly recommended that you watch this series if you have prior experience with programming in another language. 

سری آموزش زبان Rust از مایکروسافت
آیا سرمایه گذاری بر روی Xamarin منطقی است؟

So when Microsoft acquired Xamarin in 2016 and started integrating the Xamarin Visual Studio plugins more with the standard VS features, I knew I had to try and switch over to take advantage of the powerful IDE and language. Some of the immediate benefits I gained from the switch are:

  • Simple asynchronous programming
  • Access to powerful plugins like ReSharper
  • Freedom to work in Windows or OSX
  • Access to powerful debugging tools for the Android on Windows (debugging iOS on Mac side is good but can be buggy).
  • Access to built in NuGet package management for third party libraries 
آیا سرمایه گذاری بر روی Xamarin منطقی است؟
نوشتن اپ های Native برای موبایل

In the February 2016 issue of MSDN Magazine, I showed how to create a custom scripting language based on the Split-And-Merge algorithm for parsing mathematical expressions in C# (msdn.com/magazine/mt632273). I called my language Customizable Scripting in C#, or CSCS. Recently, I published an E-book that provided more details about creating a custom language (bit.ly/2yijCod). Creating your own scripting language might not initially seem to be particularly useful, even though there are some interesting applications of it (for example, game cheating). I also found some applications in Unity programming.

نوشتن اپ های Native برای موبایل
کتاب PHP Succinctly

Known for its straightforward simplicity, PHP is an open source, general-purpose scripting language oriented for web development. In PHP Succinctly, author José Roberto Olivas Mendoza guides newcomers through PHP’s basics, which includes deployment, programming themes such as variables, decision making, arrays, functions, and databases, and the creation of a functional webpage that will connect to a database. By the end, you’ll be ready to join the vast community of PHP users around the world.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction to PHP
  2. Deploying PHP
  3. PHP Basics
  4. Functions and File Inclusion
  5. Files and Databases
  6. A Contact List Website
  7. General Summary
  8. General Conclusions 
کتاب PHP Succinctly
کتاب رایگان Go Succinctly

The Go programming language is relatively small and concise, but its depth makes it an ideal option for solving modern-day development problems. In Go Succinctly, author Mark Lewin guides readers through the basics of Go, and he provides documentation and resources that allow users to dive into the language and learn it for themselves. By the end of the book, novices and experienced programmers alike will be conversant in a language quickly gaining traction around the world.

Table of Contents
  1. Welcome
  2. Introducing Go
  3. Let’s Go!
  4. Variables, Constants, and Assignments
  5. Basic Data Types
  6. Control Structures
  7. Arrays, Slices, and Maps
  8. User-Defined Types
  9. Concurrency
  10. Standard Packages
  11. Go Further 
کتاب رایگان Go Succinctly
مقدمه ای بر برنامه نویسی همزمان

What is concurrent programing? Simply described, it’s when you are doing more than one thing at the same time. Not to be confused with parallelism, concurrency is when multiple sequences of operations are run in overlapping periods of time. In the realm of programming, concurrency is a pretty complex subject. Dealing with constructs such as threads and locks and avoiding issues like race conditions and deadlocks can be quite cumbersome, making concurrent programs difficult to write. Through concurrency, programs can be designed as independent processes working together in a specific composition. Such a structure may or may not be made parallel; however, achieving such a structure in your program offers numerous advantages. 

مقدمه ای بر برنامه نویسی همزمان
ارتقاء JavaScript Editor در Visual Studio 2015
JavaScript is an important technology for development on many different platforms, including web, mobile app, and server programming. In Visual Studio 2013 we already support IntelliSense, Go to Definition, colorization, and formatting of JavaScript source, along with several other features. We’ve carried these forward into Visual Studio 2015 and we’ve improved the experience for JavaScript developers by focusing on three key areas:
  1. Improving the development experience when using popular JavaScript libraries
  2. Adding support for new JavaScript ECMAScript 2015 (also known as ES2015 and formerly ES6) language and web browser APIs
  3. Increasing your productivity in complex JavaScript code bases
ارتقاء JavaScript Editor در Visual Studio 2015
نظرات مطالب
شروع به کار با EF Core 1.0 - قسمت 7 - بررسی رابطه‌ی One-to-Many
«بهبود عملکرد» با «بهبود کارآیی» یکی نیست. پیاده سازی سیستم change tracking در حالت کلی، بدون پیاده سازی مباحث AOP غیرممکن است. بهتر است دوره‌ی مرتبطی را در سایت در این مورد مرور کنید تا کلیات بحث تشکیل Proxyها بهتر مشخص شوند (و ... تشکیل پروکسی با روش‌های مختلفی و با الگوریتم‌های متفاوتی ممکن است و مهم نیست که dynamic proxy چندسکویی باشد یا خیر؛ این مورد نام یک الگوی طراحی شیء گرا است و نه یک کتابخانه‌ی خاص). هدف من از عنوان این مسایل، اشاره به کلیات زیرساخت پیاده سازی این مباحث هست.
برای نمونه زمانیکه مقدار خاصیت شیء واکشی شده‌ای از Context را تغییر می‌دهید و سپس SaveChanges را فراخوانی می‌کنید، در این بین یک پروکسی وجود دارد (یک لایه‌ی نامرئی و حائل بین شیء اصلی و تغییراتی که قرار است به آن اعمال شوند) که به تغییرات گوش فرا می‌دهد و در نهایت صرفا یک کوئری به روز رسانی آن فیلد خاص را تولید می‌کند و نه تمام فیلدهای دیگر را. این نوع مفاهیم کلی در اینجا مدنظر هستند. یک نمونه پیاده سازی کلی این مفهوم را در اینجا می‌توانید مشاهده کنید.
همچنین EF Core 2.1 به همراه بسته‌ی Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Proxies است که پیاده سازی Lazy loading را میسر کرده‌است و از Castel.Core هم استفاده می‌کند (یا همان Castle DynamicProxy که در دوره «Aspect oriented programming» مورد بررسی قرار گرفته‌است).
نظرات مطالب
تفاوت انواع var و dynamic
بله اینها صحیح، ولی statically typed dynamic عبارتی است که Anders Hejlsberg هنگام صحبت در مورد آینده C# در  PDC09 به کاربرد.
The Future of C#
The dynamic keyword acts as a static type declaration in the C# type system. This way C# got the dynamic features and at the same time remained a statically typed language. 

در واقع کلمه کلیدی dynamic به کامپایلر می‌فهماند که compile-time checking  را غیر فعال کن! تا در زمان اجرا به نوع متغییر رسیدگی شود.

شاید اگر بگوییم dynamic نوعی static است که مزایای انواع dynamic را در بر می‌گیرد بهتر باشد.

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