NET Core 3.0. و سازگاری بهتر با Docker

The team said that “most of their effort to improve the .NET Core Docker experience in the last year has been focused on .NET Core 3.0.” “This is the first release in which we’ve made substantive runtime changes to make CoreCLR much more efficient, honor Docker resource limits better by default, and offer more configuration for you to tweak”.  

NET Core 3.0. و سازگاری بهتر با Docker
توصیه های خالق زبان سی پلاس پلاس

The creator of C++, Bjarne Stroustrup, shares some valuable life advice that, let’s face it, all developers, no matter their years of experience could use. According to Bjarne, ‘You can’t just do code’, you need to develop more skills if you want to be a well-rounded successful developer. Watch this unreleased interview if you want some inspiration and guidance on your developer journey from one of the OGs. 

توصیه های خالق زبان سی پلاس پلاس
Bootstrap 4.1.1 منتشر شد

Here’s a quick rundown of some of the changes:

  • Added validation styles for file inputs
  • Improved printing of dark tables
  • Suppressed that text-hide deprecation notice by default
  • Fixed an issue where Collapse wasn’t working in Internet Explorer
  • Cleaned up some JS globals and improve coverage
  • Bumped dependencies, namely Jekyll
  • Fixed docs issue with incorrect name for our monospace font utility 
Bootstrap 4.1.1 منتشر شد
Primery Key از نوع GUID بجای نوع int جدول دیتابیس در مواقع وجود چندین دیتابیس
With the increasing use of Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks such as NHibernate and the ADO.NET Entity Framework, relying on the server to generate key values adds a lot of complication that most people would prefer to avoid 
Primery Key از نوع GUID بجای نوع int جدول دیتابیس در مواقع وجود چندین دیتابیس
سری کار با Web API

My road for the series is as follows,

    RESTful Day #1: Enterprise level application architecture with Web APIs using Entity Framework, Generic Repository pattern and Unit of Work.
    RESTful Day #2: Inversion of control using dependency injection in Web APIs using Unity Container and Bootstrapper.
    RESTful Day #3: Resolve dependency of dependencies using Inversion of Control and dependency injection in Asp.net Web APIs with Unity Container and Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF).
    RESTful Day #4: Custom URL Re-Writing/Routing using Attribute Routes in MVC 4 Web APIs.
    RESTful Day #5: Basic Authentication and Token based custom Authorization in Web APIs using Action Filters.
    RESTful Day #6: Request logging and Exception handing/logging in Web APIs using Action Filters, Exception Filters and nLog.
    RESTful Day #7: Unit testing ASP.NET Web APIs controllers using nUnit.
    RESTful Day #8: Extending OData support in ASP.NET Web APIs.

سری کار با Web API
دسترسی عمومی به GitHub code search

Our goal with the new code search and code view is to enable developers to quickly search, navigate and understand their code, put critical information into context, and ultimately make them more productive. To achieve that, we’ve brought three powerful new capabilities to GitHub.com. 

دسترسی عمومی به GitHub code search
NativeScript 3.4 به همراه پشتیبانی از Angular 5 منتشر شد

Along with NativeScript 3.4 we also released a new version of the nativescript-angular plugin with official support for Angular 5. The update includes support for Angular’s new AnimationBuilder APIs, as well as some iOS-specific startup time improvements. You can learn more about these changes in the nativescript-angular changelog. 

NativeScript 3.4 به همراه پشتیبانی از Angular 5 منتشر شد
سری 6 قسمتی در رابطه با User Stories

A user story is a short description of something your customer will do when they come to your website or use your application. It focuses on the result or value that the customer gets. They are written from the customer’s point of view and in the language that they would use. 

سری 6 قسمتی در رابطه با User Stories
نظرات مطالب
آشنایی با TransactionScope
SaveChanges operates within a transaction. SaveChanges will roll back that transaction and
throw an exception if any of the dirty ObjectStateEntry objects cannot be persisted.
خود متد SaveChanges از تراکنش استفاده می‌کنه و کل تغییرات DbContext رو در طی یک تراکنش اعمال می‌کنه.
شناخت NET Core, NETStandard, .NET Core applications and ASP.NET Core

As anyone in the .NET community who hasn't been living under a rock will know, there's a lot of exciting things happening with .NET at the moment with the announcement of the open source, cross platform, .NET Core. However, partly due to the very open nature of its evolution, there's been a whole host of names associated with its development - vNext, ASP.NET 5, ASP.NET Core, .NET generations etc.

In this post I'm going to try and clarify some of the naming and terminology surrounding the evolution of the .NET framework. I'll discuss some of the challenges the latest iteration is attempting to deal with and how the latest developments aim to address these.

This is really for those that have seen some of the big announcements but aren't sure about the intricacies of this new framework and how it relates to the existing ecosystem, which was my situation before I really started digging into it all properly!

Hopefully by the end of this article you'll have a clearer grasp of the latest in .NET! 

شناخت NET Core, NETStandard, .NET Core applications and ASP.NET Core