بیش از 50 سوال Angular در مصاحبه ها به همراه پاسخ

It’s time to get serious about improving your programming skills. Let’s do it!

That’s an easy career improvement goal to give oneself, but “become a kick-$!! programmer” is not a simple goal. For one thing, saying, “I want to get better” assumes that you recognize what “better” looks like. Plus, too many people aim for improvement without any sense of how to get there. 

بیش از 50 سوال Angular در مصاحبه ها به همراه پاسخ
Moq در .NET Core

Moq makes testing this piece of code a breeze. Without it, I would have had to write a whole lot of essentially throwaway code just to test this three line controller action. Probably one or two orders of magnitude more code. Clearly, this tool which I relied on heavily prior to .NET Core, remains quite a powerful weapon in my arsenal in .NET Core. 

Moq در .NET Core
Profiller رایگان برای ASP.NET

Prefix is a free profiler for ASP.NET applications. It's dead easy to use and it will help you find bugs in your code that you didn't even know you had. I found two in what I thought were properly working apps within an hour of downloading Prefix. 

Profiller رایگان برای ASP.NET
نظرات مطالب
انجام کارهای زمانبندی شده در برنامه‌های ASP.NET توسط DNT Scheduler
من این تغییرات رو اعمال کردم
public static Task RunAndDispose(Func<Task> action)

                if (!HttpContextLifecycle.HasContext())
                    new HybridLifecycle().FindCache(null).DisposeAndClear();
        return  Task.FromResult(0);

و  متد RunAsync 
public override async Task RunAsync()
        await SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync();

                if (this.IsShuttingDown || this.Pause)

                await IoCWrapper.RunAndDispose(async () =>
                    var draftsService = IoCWrapper.GetInstance<IBlogPostDraftsService>();
                    await draftsService.RunConvertDraftsToPostsJobAsync();
ولی بعد از دومین بار اجرا، توی ایونت‌ها این خطارو دارم
Activated Historical Code ContextException thrown: 'System.ObjectDisposedException' in mscorlib.dll ("The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection.") Exception thrown: 'System.ObjectDisposedException' in mscorlib.dll ("The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection.") Hyperlink: Activate Historical Debugging346.49s[14880] Worker Thread

به نظرتون جایی از کد رو اشتباه نوشتم؟
کتابخانه togetherjs
TogetherJS is a service for your website that makes it surprisingly easy to collaborate in real-time.
Using TogetherJS two people can interact on the same page, seeing each other's cursors, edits, and browsing a site together. The TogetherJS service is included by the web site owner, and a web site can customize and configure aspects of TogetherJS's behavior on the site.  Demo
کتابخانه togetherjs
بهبودهای async در NET 6.

Among the over 100 API changes in .NET 6 are several features designed to make working with asynchronous code easier and safer. Here are some of the highlights. 

بهبودهای async در NET 6.
NET Core 3. و پشتیبانی از Windows Desktop Applications

At Microsoft Build Live today, we are sharing a first look at our plans for .NET Core 3. The highlight of .NET Core 3 is support for Windows desktop applications, specifically Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Framework (WPF), and UWP XAML. You will be able to run new and existing Windows desktop applications on .NET Core and enjoy all the benefits that .NET Core has to offer. 

NET Core 3. و پشتیبانی از Windows Desktop Applications