Angular 2 نسخه‌ی 2.0.0-rc.0 منتشر شد

  • To import various symbols please adjust the paths in the following way:
  • angular2/core -> @angular/core
  • angular2/compiler -> @angular/compiler
  • angular2/common -> @angular/common
  • angular2/platform/browser -> @angular/platform-browser (applications with precompiled templates) + @angular/platform-browser-dynamic (applications that compile templates on the fly)
  • angular2/platform/server -> @angular/platform-server
  • angular2/testing -> @angular/core/testing (it/describe/..) + @angular/compiler/testing (TestComponentBuilder) + @angular/platform-browser/testing
  • angular2/upgrade -> @angular/upgrade
  • angular2/http -> @angular/http
  • angular2/router -> @angular/router-deprecated (snapshot of the component router from beta.17 for backwards compatibility)
  • new package: @angular/router - component router with several breaking changes  
Angular 2 نسخه‌ی 2.0.0-rc.0 منتشر شد
15 درس هنگام مهاجرت به .NET Core
1. Using xproj & csproj files together
2. Building for deployment
3. NetStandard vs NetCoreApp1.0
4. IIS is dead, well sort of
5. HttpModules and HttpHandlers are replaced by new “middleware”
6. FileStream moved to System.IO.FileSystem ???
7. StreamReader constructor no longer works with a file path
8. Platform specific code… like Microsoft specific RSA
9. Newtonsoft changed to default to camel case on field names 🙁
10. Log4net doesn’t work and neither do countless other dependencies, unless you target .NET 4.5!
11. System.Drawing doesn’t exist
12. DataSet and DataTable doesn’t exist
13. Visual Studio Tooling
14. HttpWebRequest weird changes
15. Creating a Windows Service in .NET Core 
15 درس هنگام مهاجرت به .NET Core
13 ویژگی برتر ASP.NET Core که لازم است بدانید

ASP.NET is one of the most successful web application development frameworks by Microsoft. With every update, new and extended features are added that help developers deploy highly scalable and high-performance web applications.

When coupled with application monitoring and other performance tools, such as a profiler, ASP.NET becomes a powerful solution for building incredible apps.

Within the framework itself, there are myriad features to help you overcome common development challenges, do more with your apps, and boost performance. 

13 ویژگی برتر ASP.NET Core که لازم است بدانید