مهاجرت از NHibernate به Entity Framework
NH Problems
With a couple big committers leaving the project, there’s a void in the leadership and direction of the project
Bugs that I’ve run into have been open for years with no fix in sight
مهاجرت از NHibernate به Entity Framework
نظرات مطالب
AngularJS #2
بنده طبق فرمایشات شما به روش زیر عمل کردم ولی بهم کار نمیده و پارشال مورد نظر را به من نشان نمیده. میشه بگید مشکل از کجاست؟
public class PostController : Controller
        ApplicationDbContext db;
        // GET: Post
        public ActionResult List()
            using (db=new ApplicationDbContext())
                var query = db.Posts.ToList();
                return PartialView("List",query);

و کدهای ویو:
<div ng-app="postmodule">

    <div ng-controller="PostController">
            <li ng-repeat="item in ListOfItems">
                <hr />


و کدهایی که در فایل _Layout.cshtml نوشته ام:
    <div class="container body-content" >

        <script src="~/Scripts/angular.js"></script>
        <script src="~/Scripts/angular-route.js"></script>
            var PostApp = angular.module('postmodule', []).config(['$routeProvider',
  function ($routeProvider) {
          when('/list', {
              templateUrl: '/Post/List',
              controller: 'PostController'
            PostApp.controller('PostController', function ($scope, $http, postServices) {
                $scope.ListOfItems =
                                  .success(function (data) {
                                      $scope.ListOfItems = data;
            PostApp.service('postServices', function ($http) {
                this.GetPosts = function () {
                    return $http.get('/Post/List');

        <a href="#list">list post</a>
        <div ng-view=""></div>

        <hr />
            <p>&copy; @DateTime.Now.Year - My ASP.NET Application</p>
زبان Rust در حال از هم پاشیدن است!

While Rust has earned a dedicated following, it's not without its fair share of controversies and problems. In this video I'll talk about the negative response and backlash from the Rust community in the wake of the most recent controversy, its connections to past incidents, and give my personal thoughts.  

زبان Rust در حال از هم پاشیدن است!
Moq در .NET Core

Moq makes testing this piece of code a breeze. Without it, I would have had to write a whole lot of essentially throwaway code just to test this three line controller action. Probably one or two orders of magnitude more code. Clearly, this tool which I relied on heavily prior to .NET Core, remains quite a powerful weapon in my arsenal in .NET Core. 

Moq در .NET Core
Sketch Theme برای استفاده در Prototypeها

Sometimes, in order to get rapid feedback, it’s useful to throw together a prototype that has literally nothing going on in the backend, but lets the user get a sense of how the application would flow. The problem, of course, is that once users see such a thing, they can’t always tell the difference between smoke and mirrors and the real thing. 

Sketch Theme برای استفاده در Prototypeها
ایجاد یک api امن در asp.net core 3

This article will show you how to build your Web API with the new ASP.NET Core 3.0 and how to integrate with Auth0 in order to secure them. Following the steps described in this tutorial, you will end up building a simple Web API project

ایجاد یک api امن در asp.net core 3
TypeScript 3.4 منتشر شد

Let’s dive in and see what’s new in TypeScript 3.4!

- Faster subsequent builds with the --incremental flag
- Higher order type inference from generic functions
- Improvements for ReadonlyArray and readonly tuples
- const assertions
- Type-checking for globalThis
- Convert parameters to destructured object
- Breaking changes 

TypeScript 3.4 منتشر شد
کانورتور عمومی برای مقادیر در WPF

This post provides a simple IValueConverter implementation that makes use of the framework type converters in order to convert between a large range of source / target types. This converter can be used both within bindings and in code-behind to give more concise property setters. 

کانورتور عمومی برای مقادیر در WPF
معرفی NET Standard.

With .NET Standard 2.0, we’re focusing on compatibility. In order to support .NET Standard 2.0 in .NET Core and UWP, we’ll be extending these platforms to include many more of the existing APIs. This also includes a compatibility shim that allows referencing binaries that were compiled against the .NET Framework. 

معرفی NET Standard.
آخرین به روز رسانی SQL Server Compact 4.0 SP1

این به روز رسانی در سال 2014 منتشر شده‌است و شامل موارد زیر است:

FIX: Unexpected ordering when you run ORDER BY statement on a column that contains "-" in SQL Server Compact 4.0
FIX: "ConnectionString cannot be null" when you use folder redirection with offline files
FIX: It takes longer time than flush interval to flush committed transactions in SQL Server Compact 4.0  

آخرین به روز رسانی SQL Server Compact 4.0 SP1