Duende IdentityServer v6 منتشر شد
  • Performance and stability improvements.
  • Optimization and testing for .NET 6.
  • All UIs and templates have been updated for “.NET 6” style, which means they now use the new hosting API, and all UIs have been converted to Razor pages.
  • Added support for CIBA, which was the last missing piece for full FAPI compliance. 
Duende IdentityServer v6 منتشر شد
Eazfuscator 2.6 منتشر شد

Eazfuscator یکی از برنامه‌های با کیفیت code obfuscation مخصوص دات نت فریم ورک است. این برنامه رایگان بوده و استفاده از آن به سادگی drag & drop فایل dll یا exe برنامه خود بر روی پنجره آن می‌باشد (یا استفاده از آن از طریق خط فرمان جهت اتوماسیون این‌کار)

ویژگی‌های آن:
Easy to use as 1-2-3
Automatic code protection with variety of supported obfuscation techniques:
  • Symbol renaming
  • String encryption
  • Constant literals pruning
  • Method signatures overload induction
  • Class hierarchy linerization
  • Code control flow obfuscation
  • Assemblies merging
Automatic code optimization
Supports .NET Framework versions 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5
Supports .NET Compact Framework versions 2.0 and 3.5
Supports Silverlight assemblies and XAP packages
Supports XNA applications for Windows, Xbox 360 and Zune platforms
Can obfuscate any 100% managed .NET assembly
Provides revolutionally innovative and easy to use GUI interface as well as classical command line interface
Microsoft Visual Studio integration. Supported versions are Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 including Express editions
Supports automatic builds

بنابر تجربه شخصی با این ابزارها (تجاری و غیرتجاری)، این تنها برنامه‌ای است که جهت code obfuscation اسمبلی‌های ASP.Net در محیط کاری مشکل ساز نشده و سایت پس از مدتی با پیغام‌های عجیب و غریب از کار نمی‌افتد.

بررسی اکوسیستم React در سال 2024

As React celebrates its 11th anniversary in 2024, it’s worth looking ahead to the exciting developments in the React ecosystem. In this blog, we’ll explore various aspects of the ecosystem, building on what was happening in 2023 and what you can expect in the coming year. 

بررسی اکوسیستم React در سال 2024
مقایسه React و Blazor

Web application development has evolved with the rise of new technologies and frameworks. Two of the most popular technologies for building interactive web applications are Blazor and React. In this article, we will compare Blazor and React and highlight their differences with examples.

مقایسه React  و Blazor
نگاهی به مشخصات SQL Server 2019

SQL Server 2019 is designed to solve challenges of the modern data professional including:

  • Store enterprise data in a data lake and offer SQL and Spark query capability overall data
  • Reduce the need for Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) applications by eliminating data movement
  • Integrate and secure machine learning applications with scalable performance
  • Reduce the need for application and query changes to gain a boost in performance
  • Increase confidential computing of data through hardware enclaves
  • Increase application and database uptime and availability through features like ADR (Advanced Database Recovery)
  • Extend the power of the T-SQL language in a secure and robust fashion
  • Run applications and deploy databases across multiple operating systems and platforms with compatibility
  • Reduce the risk of upgrades while using new SQL capabilities when you are ready though inbuilt database compatibility levels 
نگاهی به مشخصات SQL Server 2019
لیستی از ابزار ها و فریم ورک های تست

This is a list of Automated Testing Frameworks for .NET related to methodologies and types of tests:

  • Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)
  • Specification by Example (SBE)
  • Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD)
  • Property-Based Testing (PBT)
  • Unit \ Integration \ Acceptance \ Specification \ etc. Tests 
لیستی از ابزار ها و فریم ورک های تست
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been flagged in error, please file an appeal at https://airtable.com/shrGBcceazKIoz6pY. 

 حساب کاربریم تو GitHub اینجوری شده

GitHub هم ایران را تحریم کرد
9 نکته برای نوشتن برنامه های امن asp.net mvc

Security is one of the most important aspects of any application – and when we talk about security, particularly in ASP.NET applications, it is not limited to development. A secure app involves multiple layers of security in the configuration, framework, web server, database server, and more. In this post, we’ll take a look at the top nine tips for writing secure applications in ASP.NET. 

9 نکته برای نوشتن برنامه های امن asp.net mvc
الگوی MVVM - تمرین

Let’s continue our journey to learn the MVVM pattern, applied to Universal Windows apps development. After we’ve learned the basic concepts in the previous post, now it’s time to start writing some code. As already mentioned in the previous post, we’re going to leverage MVVM Light as toolkit to help us implementing the pattern: since it’s the most flexible and simple to use, it will be easier to understand and apply the basic concepts we’ve learned so far.  

الگوی MVVM - تمرین