TypeScript 5.2 منتشر شد

Here’s a quick list of what’s new in TypeScript 5.2!

using Declarations and Explicit Resource Management
Decorator Metadata
Named and Anonymous Tuple Elements
Easier Method Usage for Unions of Arrays
Copying Array Methods
symbols as WeakMap and WeakSet Keys
Type-Only Import Paths with TypeScript Implementation File Extensions
Comma Completions for Object Members
Inline Variable Refactoring
Clickable Inlay Parameter Hints
Optimized Checks for Ongoing Type Compatibility
Breaking Changes and Correctness Fixes

TypeScript 5.2 منتشر شد
اضافه کردن امکان Observability به پروژه های Asp.Net Core

Modern software development practices value quick and continuous updates, following processes that minimize the impact of software failures. As important as identifying bugs early, finding out if changes are improving business value are equally important. These practices can only work when a monitoring solution is in place. This article explores options for adding observability to .NET Core apps. They have been collected based on interactions with customers using .NET Core in different environments. We will be looking into OpenTelemetry and Application Insights SDKs to add observability to a sample distributed application. 

اضافه کردن امکان Observability به پروژه های Asp.Net Core
NET 7 Preview 4. منتشر شد

The fourth preview of .NET 7 includes enhancements to observability in the .NET implementation of OpenTelemetry, the addition of properties to track microseconds and nanoseconds in date and time structures, new metrics for caching extensions, performance-boosting “on stack replacement,” APIs to work with .tar archives, and additional features as part of an ongoing effort to improve the performance of and add features to regular expressions in .NET 7.  

NET 7 Preview 4. منتشر شد
برگزاری dotnetConf 2016

Immerse yourself in the world of .NET and join our live stream for 3 days of free online content June 7 - 9 featuring speakers from the .NET Community and Microsoft product teams.

Learn to develop for web, mobile, desktop, games, services, libraries and more for a variety of platforms and devices all with .NET! We'll have presentations on .NET Core and ASP.NET Core, C#, F#, Roslyn, Visual Studio, Universal Windows Platform (UWP), Xamarin, and much more. 

برگزاری dotnetConf 2016
سری آموزش مقدماتی Git و GitHub

Git and GitHub Tutorials for Beginners!

#1 - What is Git and GitHub?
#2 - Creating Repositories and Commits
#3 - What are Git Branches?
#4 - Creating Forks and Pull Requests
#5 - Understanding GitHub Issues
#6 - Installing Git and Cloning our Repository
#7 - Staging Changes and Making you First Commit!

سری آموزش مقدماتی Git و GitHub
آموزش 2 ساعته روش کار با Postman

"Learn Postman in One Video: Master the API Testing Tool" is an engaging and comprehensive Udemy course designed to take you from a beginner to a proficient user of Postman. In this concise and focused course, you will learn everything you need to know about Postman, the popular API testing and development tool.

آموزش 2 ساعته روش کار با Postman
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