Strongly typed AppSettings Configuration در ASP.NET 5
The configuration system in ASP.NET 5 has been completely overhauled and entire web.config/app.config mechanism has been thrown out in favor of a new pluggable system. The default configuration implementation uses a config.json file as storage, but the system is pluggable so other providers can be used instead as well as at the same time. For example, the default project template uses both config.json and environment variables, the latter of which override values in the .json file. 
Strongly typed AppSettings Configuration در ASP.NET 5
نظرات مطالب
وضعیت فناوری‌های مرتبط با دات نت از دیدگاه مرگ و زندگی!
نسخه رسمی و به روز شده «وضعیت فناوری‌های مرتبط با دات نت از دیدگاه مرگ و زندگی!» از طرف مایکروسافت:
Summary - .NET Technology Guide for Business Applications  
The .NET Technology Guide for Business Applications 
میزان محبوبیت زبان‌های برنامه نویسی بر اساس GitHub pull requests

The gist of the story goes as follow:

  1. The most popular languages are JavaScript/TypeScript and Python with roughly 20% of all pull requests each. In effect, if you put JavaScript/TypeScript and Python together, you get about 40% of all pull requests.
  2. Then you get the second tier languages: Java and Scala, C/C++, and Go. They all are in the 10% to 15% range.
  3. Finally, you have PHP, Ruby and C# that all manage to get about 5% of all pull requests.
  4. Other languages are typically far below 5%. 
میزان محبوبیت زبان‌های برنامه نویسی بر اساس GitHub pull requests
نظرات مطالب
جایگزین کردن jQuery با JavaScript خالص - قسمت اول - یافتن عناصر
بوت استرپ 4.2 نیز وابستگی jQuery اش را حذف خواهد کرد.
We’ve been working on a huge v4.2 update for several months now. Our attention has largely been on advancing the project and simplifying it’s dependencies, namely by removing our jQuery dependency
Bootstrap 5.1.2 منتشر شد

Bootstrap v5.1.2 is here with a handful of improvements across our components, plus a fix for an issue in another project that prevented our Sass from compiling properly. Keep reading for the highlights. 

Bootstrap 5.1.2 منتشر شد
تشخیص تفاوت بین IIS سرورهای مختلف

I commonly hear the phrase “The web application worked in the pre-production environment and now is encountering issues in production and the server’s configuration are identical!” when I appear onsite to help assist with the resolution of the issues. Upon further investigation, an IIS module has not been installed on the production server, or the configuration is different for an application pool setting between the pre-production and production environments. This is a very common scenario I encounter in the field and here are some suggestions on how to determine differences between IIS servers in an IIS farm environment or between servers in different environments, such as pre-production and production. Keeping server configuration and content synchronized is always a challenge and I hope these suggestions help out.

تشخیص تفاوت بین IIS سرورهای مختلف
نمونه معماری پیاده سازی شده با ASP.NET Core و Angular و DDD

Architecture with .NET Core 3.1, ASP.NET Core 3.1, Entity Framework Core 3.1, C#, Angular 9.1, Clean Code, SOLID, DDD, Code Analysis, Docker and more. 


  • .NET Core 3.1
  • ASP.NET Core 3.1
  • Entity Framework Core 3.1
  • C# 8.0
  • Angular 9.1
  • Typescript
  • JWT
  • FluentValidation
  • Scrutor
  • Serilog
  • Docker
  • Azure DevOps
  • ...


  • Clean Code
  • SOLID Principles
  • DDD (Domain-Driven Design)
  • Unit of Work Pattern
  • Repository Pattern 
  • ...
نمونه معماری پیاده سازی شده با ASP.NET Core و Angular و DDD