راهنمای قدم به قدم Bundling و Minification در ASP.NET Core

To improve the initial page request load time, we normally apply two performance techniques called bundling and minification. In this tutorial, I will give you a step by step overview of different tools and techniques we can use to apply bundling and minification in ASP.NET Core 5 applications. 

راهنمای قدم به قدم Bundling و Minification در ASP.NET Core
استفاده از تکنیک Fanout برای پیاده سازی asynchronous messaging بوسیله RabbitMQ در معماری Microservices

There are various techniques that could be implemented to achieve asynchronous interactions among microservices. In this article, I shall talk about a use case where we would be using a message broker – RabbitMQ – and “Fanout” technique to implement the asynchronous messaging pattern in action. 

استفاده از تکنیک Fanout برای پیاده سازی asynchronous messaging بوسیله RabbitMQ در معماری Microservices
ویژگیهای برنامه ریزی شده C# 8.0

In this C# 8 tutorial, I am going to introduce a selection of currently planned features which will most probably end up in the final release. All of the C# 8 features are still early in development and are likely to change. 

ویژگیهای برنامه ریزی شده C# 8.0
تولید محتوای پویا در Angular

محتوای پویا Angular  : 

Multiple ways to create Angular components dynamically at runtime 

In this article, I am going to show you several ways of creating dynamic content in Angular. You will get examples of custom list templates, dynamic component creation, runtime component and module compilation. Full source code will be available at the end of the article.

تولید محتوای پویا در Angular
استفاده توامان دات نت و داکر

Many developers I talk to are either using Docker actively or planning to adopt containers in their environment. Containers are an important trend in our industry and .NET is part of that. Microsoft and Docker have been working together so that you’ll have a great experience using Docker with .NET apps. 

استفاده توامان دات نت و داکر
ایجاد WebGrid های واکنشگرا در asp.net mvc

WebGrids are fantastic when coding for a desktop layout, but what do you do when you need it mobile? Today, I analyze the WebGrid and create CSS to make the WebGrid bend to our will and make it more responsive on a mobile device. 

ایجاد WebGrid های واکنشگرا در asp.net mvc
تزریق وابستگی در ASP.NET 5 - یک گام عمیق تر
In this post I will dive a little bit deeper than this MSDN post; here we will examine the main interfaces involved, have a small peek inside on how things are running, and explain what it means really to switch to your IoC container of choice
تزریق وابستگی در ASP.NET 5 - یک گام عمیق تر
Basket.js: اسکریپت برای کش کردن، script و css ها در localStorage

One of common concerns I faced in web/frontend development is libraries like “Angularjs, Bootstrap, JQuery… etc..” loading time, and how that affect on website performance, when you need to load several libraries to your website/page.. specially with low internet speed connections

Basket.js: اسکریپت برای کش کردن، script و css ها در localStorage
نظرات مطالب
نحوه ایجاد یک گزارش فاکتور فروش توسط PdfReport
من توسط کد زیر ردیفی تک ستونی به جدول اصلی اضافه کرده ام:
MainTableEvents(events =>
                    events.MainTableAdded(args =>
                        var grid = new PdfGrid(1) { WidthPercentage = 90 };
                        grid.AddSimpleRow((d, p) =>
                            p.RunDirection = PdfRunDirection.RightToLeft;
                            p.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Justified;
                            p.ShowBorder = true;
                            d.Value = form.Ideas; // I want to convert HTML to PDF 
                            p.PdfFont = args.PdfFont;
                            p.CellPadding = 5f;


در حال حاضر قصد دارم محتویات سلول که دارای تگ‌های HTML هست رو تبدیل به PDF کنم. از چه روشی باید استفاده کنم؟