v1.21.0 افزونه‌ی #C در Visual Studio Code منتشر شد

Improved the MSBuild selection logic. The standalone instance inside OmniSharp is now preferred over VS2017, with VS2019 given the highest priority. This ensures that .NET Core 3.0 works correctly. It is also possible manually provide an MSBuild path using OmniSharp configuration, which is then always selected. (omnisharp-roslyn#1541, PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1545)

        "MSBuild": {
            "MSBuildOverride": {
                "MSBuildPath": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Enterprise\\MSBuild\\15.0\\Bin",
                "Name": "vs2017 msbuild"
v1.21.0 افزونه‌ی #C در Visual Studio Code منتشر شد
معرفی قابلیت Hot Restart زامارین

توسط این قابلیت در برنامه‌های زاماین، تغییرات کد، رفرنس ها، فایل‌ها و... نیاز به کامپایل کامل و مجدد نداشته و تغییرات را سریع‌تر اعمال کرده و برنامه را ریستارت می‌کند.

Today at .NET Conf 2019, we announced Xamarin Hot Restart which enables you to test changes made to your app, including multi-file code edits, resources, and references, using a much faster build and deploy cycle.

XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms already provides fast iteration on XAML UIs by enabling you to see changes applied live in your running application. But what about other types of code and project edits? Xamarin Hot Restart will apply these types of changes to your application and quickly restart your app for rapid application development.  

معرفی قابلیت Hot Restart زامارین
ILSpy 8.0 منتشر شد

New Language Features
C# 10: record structs
C# 11: Required members
C# 11: ref fields
C# 10: Support DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler
Output attributes on lambda expressions
Updated pattern detection for Roslyn 4.4.0

ILSpy 8.0 منتشر شد
چگونه قبل از build کل پروژه، تنها بخشی از کد C# را اجرا کنیم!

can’t be the only person who hates waiting for the code to compile and run… Especially when I want to test only a small part of it! That’s a total waste of time! But good news everyone, I found a way to run a part of my C# code without building the whole project! 

Ctrl + E, E – the magical shortcut! 

چگونه قبل از build کل پروژه، تنها بخشی از کد C# را اجرا کنیم!
VisualSVN Server 3.3 منتشر شد

The main new feature of VisualSVN Server 3.3 is the full support of Subversion’s locking for distributed VDFS repositories. Other significant changes include improved performance of commit to slave VDFS repositories and further optimization of VDFS replication over the WAN.  

VisualSVN Server 3.3 منتشر شد
2.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد

These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.9.2:

2.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد
Bootstrap 5.2.1 منتشر شد

Bootstrap v5.2.1 is here with fixes from our latest minor release, v5.2. As a patch release, these changes are limited to bug fixes, documentation updates, and some dependency updates. 

Bootstrap 5.2.1 منتشر شد
Qt 5.7 منتشر شد

The latest version of the Qt GUI has been released just three months after the previous update. Despite the short interval there's quite a lot of changes, including support for the Raspberry Pi 3. 

Qt 5.7 منتشر شد
ReSharper Ultimate 2017.1 منتشر شد

This year’s first major release of ReSharper Ultimate is finally here with an ultimate support for Visual Studio 2017!  

ReSharper Ultimate 2017.1 منتشر شد