IdentityServer4 v2 منتشر شد

Wow – this was probably our biggest update ever! Version 2.0 of IdentityServer4 is not only incorporating all the feedback we got over the last year, it also includes the necessary updates for ASP.NET Core 2 – and also has a couple of brand new features. See the release notes for a complete list as well as links to issues and PRs. 

IdentityServer4 v2 منتشر شد
بزرگترین مخزن Git دنیا!

As a refresher, the Windows code base is approximately 3.5M files and, when checked in to a Git repo, results in a repo of about 300GB .  

بزرگترین مخزن Git دنیا!
انتشار سورس #Unity C

This Friday we published the Unity engine and editor C# source code on GitHub, under a reference-only license. 

انتشار سورس #Unity C
مدیریت ساده‌تر امور Async (غیر همزمان) در نسخه‌ی بعدی زبان‌های دات نتی

چندی قبل مطلبی را در این سایت در مورد معرفی الگویی که توسط آن می‌توان اعمال غیر همزمان را به صورت پی در پی انجام داد، مطالعه کردید:

و بحث اصلی مطالب فوق هم این است:
"در برنامه نویسی متداول همیشه عادت داریم که اعمال به صورت A –> B –> C انجام شوند. اما در Async programming ممکن است ابتدا C انجام شود، سپس A و بعد B یا هر حالت دیگری صرفنظر از تقدم و تاخر آن‌ها در حین معرفی متدهای مرتبط در یک قطعه کد. همچنین میزان خوانایی این نوع کدنویسی نیز مطلوب نیست...."

خبر خوش آن است که پشتیبانی از این نوع مدل پی در پی برنامه نویسی در نگارش‌های بعدی سی شارپ و VB.NET اضافه شده است.

لیستی از مقالات منتشر شده در این مورد را در ادامه ملاحظه خواهید کرد:

علاوه بر آن یک سری ویدیوی مرتبط با این بحث نیز منتشر شده است:


If you maintain an open-source project in the range of 10k-200k lines of code, I strongly encourage you to add an ARCHITECTURE document next to README and CONTRIBUTING. Before going into the details of why and how, I want to emphasize that this is not another “docs are good, write more docs” advice. I am pretty sloppy about documentation, and, eg, I often use just “simplify” as a commit message. Nonetheless, I feel strongly about the issue, even to the point of pestering you:-) 

بهبودهای EF Core 2.1 در زمینه پشتیبانی از DDD

Entity Framework half-heartedly supported Domain-Driven Design patterns. But the new-from-scratch EF Core has brought new hope for developers to map your well-designed domain classes to a database, reducing the cases where a separate data model is needed. EF Core 2.1 is very DDD friendly, even supporting things like fully encapsulated collections, backing fields and the return of support for value objects. In this session, we'll review some well-designed aggregates and explore how far EF Core 2.1 goes to act as the mapper between your domain classes and your data store. 

بهبودهای EF Core 2.1 در زمینه پشتیبانی از DDD
اجرا کردن کد های جاوااسکریپت در برنامه های ASP.NET Core

Not many are familiar with this awesome feature of dotnet core. Aspnet team is actively maintaining a project named  JavascriptServices ; Along with other packages, it includes the NodeServices package. Using this package, one can easily create an instance of node and execute JavaScript code (function) in the backend. If you think of it right now, you can see that it actually opens up a wide variety of development opportunities. By opportunities, I mean; the ASP.NET core project is trying hard to make its package eco-system (NuGet) rich but while doing it, why not get advantages of other package eco-system as well, right? When I talk about other than nuget package manager, the first name that comes to my mind is Npm (node package manager). Npm is the largest package manager out there on this very day and its growing rapidly. By using NodeServices package, we can now use (not all of the npm packages but) most of the npm packages in our backend development. So, let me show you how to configure NodeServices in your aspnet core project and use it to execute JavaScript code on the backend.

اجرا کردن کد های جاوااسکریپت در برنامه های ASP.NET Core
داستان خلق vue.js از زبان Evan You

I What began as a side project of a Google developer
now shares the JS leaderboard with #React and #Angular With the help of Sarah Drasner, Taylor Otwell, Thorsten Lünborg and many others from the Vue.js community, Evan You tells the story of how he fought against the odds to bring #Vuejs to life

داستان خلق vue.js از زبان Evan You
کتاب رایگان LINQPad Succinctly

LINQPad Succinctly offers IT professionals a detailed examination of how and why LINQPad can improve development lifecycle and deliver applications in less time. Author José Roberto Olivas Mendoza begins with a detailed overview of LINQPad's features, then delves into the installation process, including necessary prerequisites. Readers then get instruction on how to get the most out of LINQPad, such as how to query data bases and using LINQPad as a code scratchpad, which allows users to save significant time and effort on application delivery.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Installing LINQPad
  3. Beginning with LINQPad
  4. LINQPad Basics
  5. Querying Databases with LINQ-to-SQL
  6. LINQPad as a Code Scratchpad
  7. General Summary
  8. General Conclusions about LINQPad
  9. Appendix 
کتاب رایگان LINQPad Succinctly