ویدیوهای ارائه‌ی Visual Studio 2022

Join us on November 8, for the launch of Visual Studio 2022. Learn about what's new, hear tips & tricks, participate in the live Q&As, and be the first to take the latest version for a spin. 

ویدیوهای ارائه‌ی Visual Studio 2022
سری آموزشی Blazor C# Tutorials

Blazor C# Tutorials
30 videos

In this playlist, I am going through all the fundamentals and sharing my journey to be a full stack Blazor developer. This is the future of web development in ASP.NET world. If you want to learn Blazor this is the best place to start.

1. Build Your First App - EP01
2. Getting Started - EP02
3. #Routing - EP03
4. Dependency #Injection - EP04
5. Forms & #Validations - EP05
6. JavaScript #Interop - EP06
7. #Razor #Components | Re-usability - EP07
8. Razor Components | #Lifecycle Methods - EP08
9. Razor Component #Libraries - EP09
10. Call #REST #API - #CRUD Methods - EP10
11. #Authentication | Out of the box- EP11
12. Custom AuthenticationStateProvider - EP12
13. Layouts | Login Pages - EP13
14.  HttpClient | Login User
15. IHttpClientFactory | Login User
16. Sending JWT token & Request Middleware
17. Handling Exceptions 

سری آموزشی Blazor C# Tutorials
نگهداری WPF به تیمی در هند واگذار شد

In the .NET community standup YouTube stream it was just confirmed that WPF maintenance has been outsourced to IDC [Microsoft India Development Center] where projects historically has gone to die. So no one left in Redmond really working on it. 

نگهداری WPF به تیمی در هند واگذار شد
Records v2؛ پیشنهادی برای C# 9x

In the past we've thought about records as a feature to enable working with data. "Working with data" is a big group with a number of facets, so it may be interesting to look at each in isolation. Let's start by looking at an example of records today and some of its drawbacks. 

Records v2؛ پیشنهادی برای C# 9x
Notepad++ v8 منتشر شد

A new version of Notepad++ has been released. The updated version of the text editor adds support for ARM64 systems, as well as extending its range beyond x86 and x64 systems. 

Notepad++ v8 منتشر شد
نکاتی در رابطه با ویژگی‌های جدید C# 7.0

C# 7 is a major update with a lot of interesting new capabilities. And while there are plenty of articles on what you can do with it, there aren't quite as many on what you should do with it. Using the principles found in the .NET Framework Design Guidelines, we're going to take a first pass at laying down strategies for getting the most from these new features. 

نکاتی در رابطه با ویژگی‌های جدید C# 7.0
کنفرانس NET Conf: Focus on Blazor.

.NET Conf: Focus on Blazor is a free, one-day livestream event that features speakers from the community and .NET product teams that are working on building web apps with C# and Blazor. You don't need to use JavaScript anymore with Blazor technology! Blazor lets you build interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. 

کنفرانس NET Conf: Focus on Blazor.
هرچند قرار است Visual Basic در NET 5x. حضور داشته باشد، اما این زبان دیگر به روز رسانی نخواهد شد

"Going forward, we do not plan to evolve Visual Basic as a language," the .NET team said. "This supports language stability and maintains compatibility between the .NET Core and .NET Framework versions of Visual Basic. Future features of .NET Core that require language changes may not be supported in Visual Basic. Due to differences in the platform, there will be some differences between Visual Basic on .NET Framework and .NET Core."  

هرچند قرار است Visual Basic در NET 5x. حضور داشته باشد، اما این زبان دیگر به روز رسانی نخواهد شد
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.4 منتشر شد
حجم تقریبی آپدیت از نسخه قبلی (16.11.3) حدود 1.11G میشه.
  • Windows 11 SDK support.
  • Adds Xcode 13.0 support.
  • Add AMD64 math functions to ARM64X CRT.
  • Updates to the ARM64 and ARM64EC interfaces between the binary and the POGO instrumentation runtime.
  • Fixed several problems with IntelliSense responsiveness and correctness affecting C++20 concepts, ranges, and abbreviated function templates.
  • Fixed a false positive in local lifetime checks.
  • Corrected an issue where arrays allocated with a constant of size > 32bits could allocate less memory than requested.
  • Ensures that ATL string initialization occurs during static variable initialization, in the default AppDomain.
  • Fixed a bug in C++ Concurrency::parallel_for_each that was crashing the calling process due to integer overflow.
  • Fixed a bug in the STL's iterator debugging machinery that could cause crashes in multithreaded programs using STL containers.
  • We have fixed a fatal internal compiler error caused by unnamed structs whose fields are referenced from SAL annotations.
  • Fixes a rare crash when analyzing templated code that uses __uuidof.
  • Fixed an issue that caused C++ static analysis results to sometimes not display correctly in the FixIt action.
  • Fixed opening .uitest extension files in Coded UI project
  • Fire component change events for non-component objects also in WinForms .NET designer
  • Fix for crash on deleting ContextMenuStrip control in Windows Forms .NET designer.
  • Guard against crashes when the Windows Forms designer reloads when dragging.
  • Fix for intermittent VS crash while interacting with WinForms .NET designer during solution or project rebuild.
  • Fixed a bug causing .NET 5 projects to be reported as out of date when they should have been up to date, causing slower builds.
  • Automatically disable asset-indexing for large scale Unity projects.
  • This release fixes an issue with deploying certain Windows Application Packaging projects where deployment is unnecessarily copying unmodified files. 
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.4 منتشر شد
نرم افزارهای selfContained در net core.

There's two ways to deploy a .NET Core application. There's FDD and SCD. Since TLAs (three letter acronyms) are stupid, that's Framework-dependent and Self-contained. When .NET Core is installed it ends up in C:\program files\dotnet on Windows, for example. In the "Shared" folder there's a bunch of .NET stuff that is, well, shared. There may be multiple folders, as you can see in my folder below. You can have many and multiple installs of .NET Core.  

نرم افزارهای selfContained در net core.