Entity Framework Core 5.0 Preview 2 منتشر شد

The previews of EF Core 5.0 require .NET Standard 2.1. This means:

  • EF Core 5.0 runs on .NET Core 3.1; it does not require .NET 5.
    • This may change in future previews depending on how the plan for .NET 5 evolves.
  • EF Core 5.0 runs on other platforms that support .NET Standard 2.1.
  • EF Core 5.0 will not run on .NET Standard 2.0 platforms, including .NET Framework. 
Entity Framework Core 5.0 Preview 2 منتشر شد
15 نکته برای بالا بردن سرعت برنامه‌های ASP.NET

Performance of your ASP.NET web application is important. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that slow loading times and clunky interaction, will drive customers elsewhere. Even in the case of internal applications where the users have no option but to use the application, their satisfaction is tightly coupled to speed.

There are a ton of ways to improve the performance of a website, let's look at fifteen of them. 

15 نکته برای بالا بردن سرعت برنامه‌های ASP.NET
پیاده سازی AutoPostBack در ASP.NET Core

Those of you who worked with ASP.NET web forms will recollect that certain server controls such as DropDownList have a property called AutoPostBack. This property when set to true automatically submits the form to the server whenever the selection changes and raises some server side event. In modern web development people prefer to use Ajax over AutoPostBack but at times AutoPostBack is what you might need. To that end this article shows how AutoPostBack can be implemented in ASP.NET Core applications. 

پیاده سازی AutoPostBack در ASP.NET Core
Angular 2 و TypeScript در ویژوال استدیو

Last week, at ng-conf, the Angular team at Google provided the web developer world with an update on the state of Angular 2. They were joined on stage by a member of the TypeScript team, Jonathan Turner, to also announce that Angular 2 will be built using TypeScript. Jonathan then demoed a preview of the upcoming TypeScript 1.5 release via an Angular 2 sample application. 

Angular 2 و TypeScript در ویژوال استدیو
انتشار پیش نمایش اول ASP.NET MVC 5.2.4

Announcing Preview 1 of ASP.NET MVC 5.2.4, Web API 5.2.4, and Web Pages 3.2.4 

This release contains some minor bug fixes and a couple of new features specifically targeted at enabling .NET Standard support for the ASP.NET Web API Client.  

انتشار پیش نمایش اول ASP.NET MVC 5.2.4
از Agile به DevOps

From Agile to DevOps at Microsoft Developer Division e-book

از Agile به DevOps
SQLite 3.33.0 منتشر شد

1. Support for UPDATE FROM following the PostgreSQL syntax.

2. Increase the maximum size of database files to 281 TB.


SQLite 3.33.0 منتشر شد