نگاهی دقیق به ASP.NET CORE

ASP.NET Core is a completely new web framework for building modern cloud-based web applications. In this presentation learn all about ASP.NET Core and including the latest features and innovations in MVC. You’ll see how you can build applications that run cross-platform on Windows, Mac and Linux via .NET Core. You’ll also see how ASP.NET Core MVC gives you a unified web programming model for building both web UI and web APIs.

نگاهی دقیق به ASP.NET CORE
نظرات مطالب
شروع به کار با DNTFrameworkCore - قسمت 2 - طراحی موجودیت‌های سیستم
در روابط One to One و One to Zero جهت پیاده سازی مباحث ردیابی تغییرات، ارث بری از TrackableEntity باعث ایجاد یک PrimaryKey جدید میشود. درصورتیکه کلید خارجی و کلید اصلی در جدول دوم بایستی یکی باشند. راه حلی در این مورد دارید؟
پیش نمایش MAUI و اجرای یک مثال

At Microsoft Build 2021 .NET MAUI Preview 4 was launched. This version is already pretty complete and starts to reflect what the end result is going to look like. In this video I will show you the new .NET MAUI template in Visual Studio 2019 and walk you through the Weather 21 demo app.  

پیش نمایش MAUI و اجرای یک مثال
NET 5.0 Preview 2. منتشر شد

Today, we’re releasing .NET 5.0 Preview 2. It contains a set of smaller features and performance improvements. We’re continuing to work on the bigger features that will define the 5.0 release, some of which are starting to show up as initial designs at dotnet/designs.  

NET 5.0 Preview 2. منتشر شد
نگاهی به اجرای SQL Server بر روی Linux
No spoilers here in the description! You will want to watch this video to get an sneak peak at SQL Server running on Linux, see a VERY cool demo, and get some insight into the cool stuff Tobias and Slava are working on! 
نگاهی به اجرای SQL Server بر روی Linux
Material Design برای bootstrap

This Bootstrap theme is an easy way to use the new Material Design guidelines by Google in your Bootstrap 3 based application. Just include the theme right after the Bootstrap CSS and include the javascript at the end of your document, everything will be converted to Material Design (paper) style

Material Design برای bootstrap
روش نوشتن یک مقاله به کمک GitHub Copilot

In this post, I will be writing about how I used GitHub Copilot to write this post. You might be thinking that GitHub Copilot is a for writing code and you would right. However, it is a tool for writing content also. 

روش نوشتن یک مقاله به کمک GitHub Copilot
کتاب های فلسفه علم که هر دانشمند کامپیوتر باید بخواند

When I tell my fellow computer scientists or software developers that I'm interested in philosophy of science, they first look a bit confused, then we have a really interesting discussion about it and then they ask me for some interesting books they could read about it. Given that Christmas is just around the corner and some of the readers might still be looking for a good present to get, I thought that now is the perfect time to turn my answer into a blog post! 

کتاب های فلسفه علم که هر دانشمند کامپیوتر باید بخواند