درک بهتر websockets با aspnetcore

In this article, we will go through RFC 6455 WebSockets specification and configure a generic ASP.NET (Core) 5 application to communicate over WebSockets connection with SignalR. We will dive into the underlying concepts to understand what happens under the covers. 

درک بهتر websockets با aspnetcore
اجرا کردن کد های جاوااسکریپت در برنامه های ASP.NET Core

Not many are familiar with this awesome feature of dotnet core. Aspnet team is actively maintaining a project named  JavascriptServices ; Along with other packages, it includes the NodeServices package. Using this package, one can easily create an instance of node and execute JavaScript code (function) in the backend. If you think of it right now, you can see that it actually opens up a wide variety of development opportunities. By opportunities, I mean; the ASP.NET core project is trying hard to make its package eco-system (NuGet) rich but while doing it, why not get advantages of other package eco-system as well, right? When I talk about other than nuget package manager, the first name that comes to my mind is Npm (node package manager). Npm is the largest package manager out there on this very day and its growing rapidly. By using NodeServices package, we can now use (not all of the npm packages but) most of the npm packages in our backend development. So, let me show you how to configure NodeServices in your aspnet core project and use it to execute JavaScript code on the backend.

اجرا کردن کد های جاوااسکریپت در برنامه های ASP.NET Core
سری 44 قسمتی بررسی مفاهیم طراحی سیستم‌ها

System Design Interview Questions
44 videos

Learn the key concepts and questions used in system design interview for software professionals. Like - Scalability, Caching, ACID properties, Partitioning, BASE Model, HTTPS, NoSQL databases, Security concerns etc. What is resiliency in software architecture?
What is language agnostic? What is the difference between vertical scaling and horizontal scaling? What is CAP theorem? How will you implement the optimistic locking? What are the different types of NoSQL databases? 

سری 44 قسمتی بررسی مفاهیم طراحی سیستم‌ها
Entity Signal یا Entity Framework بلادرنگ

Entity Signal allows you to connect to Entity Framework through SignalR and get updates on subscribed data in real time. This lowers the number of refreshes done by the user and ultimatly allows you to do more with fewer servers. It is also requires minimal changes, so you can make realtime apps about as easily as you can make standard apps.  

Entity Signal یا Entity Framework بلادرنگ
بررسی تغییرات Blazor در دات نت 8

What's New in Blazor for .NET 8
Come find out about the future of Blazor in .NET 8! We'll explore all the upcoming features and improvements, including our effort to create a unified full stack web UI programming model that combines the strengths of client and server. We hope to see you there!

You will learn:
How Blazor is becoming the best option for full stack web development
How Blazor in .NET 8 will provide full flexibility to build web apps however works best for you
How to try out the latest Blazor features in .NET 8

بررسی تغییرات Blazor در دات نت 8
نظرات مطالب
آشنایی و بررسی ابزار Version Manager
با تشکر از کار شما
من این ماژول را نصب کردم اما زمان فعال سازی خطا صادر می‌شود، فایل ActivityLog را بررسی کردم خطای ذیل ثبت شده بود.
    <time>2013/09/09 08:41:39.525</time>
    <description>End package load [VersionManagerPackage]</description>
    <hr>80004005 - E_FAIL</hr>
    <errorinfo>Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.12.0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.</errorinfo>

کتاب رایگان WPF Debugging and Performance Succinctly

WPF allows you to build modern desktop applications for Windows, and part of building an application is debugging code and optimizing performance. In Alessandro Del Sole’s WPF Debugging and Performance Succinctly, you will learn how to debug a WPF application by leveraging all the powerful tools in Visual Studio, including the most recent additions that allow you to investigate the behavior of the UI at runtime. Also, you will learn how to analyze and improve an application’s performance in order to provide your customers with the best possible experience and thereby make them happy.

Table of Contents
  1. Debugging WPF Applications
  2. Stepping Through Code
  3. Working with Debug Windows
  4. Debugger Visualizers and Trace Listeners
  5. XAML Debugging
  6. Analyzing the UI Performances
  7. Analyzing the Application Performances 
کتاب رایگان WPF Debugging and Performance Succinctly