اجرا کردن کد های جاوااسکریپت در برنامه های ASP.NET Core

Not many are familiar with this awesome feature of dotnet core. Aspnet team is actively maintaining a project named  JavascriptServices ; Along with other packages, it includes the NodeServices package. Using this package, one can easily create an instance of node and execute JavaScript code (function) in the backend. If you think of it right now, you can see that it actually opens up a wide variety of development opportunities. By opportunities, I mean; the ASP.NET core project is trying hard to make its package eco-system (NuGet) rich but while doing it, why not get advantages of other package eco-system as well, right? When I talk about other than nuget package manager, the first name that comes to my mind is Npm (node package manager). Npm is the largest package manager out there on this very day and its growing rapidly. By using NodeServices package, we can now use (not all of the npm packages but) most of the npm packages in our backend development. So, let me show you how to configure NodeServices in your aspnet core project and use it to execute JavaScript code on the backend.

اجرا کردن کد های جاوااسکریپت در برنامه های ASP.NET Core
نظرات مطالب
EF Code First #1
سلام جناب نصیری
سیلور 5 از code first پشتیبانی نمیکنه ؟ موقع نصب از nuget پیغام میده که 
Could not install package 'EntityFramework 4.3.1'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'Silverlight,Version=v5.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references that are compatible with that framework. 
اضافه شدن قابلیت Package Registry به Github

Today, we’re excited to introduce GitHub Package Registry, a package management service that makes it easy to publish public or private packages next to your source code.

GitHub Package Registry is fully integrated with GitHub, so you can use the same search, browsing, and management tools to find and publish packages as you do for your repositories. You can also use the same user and team permissions to manage code and packages together. GitHub Package Registry provides fast, reliable downloads backed by GitHub’s global CDN. And it supports familiar package management tools: JavaScript (npm), Java (Maven), Ruby (RubyGems), .NET (NuGet), and Docker images, with more to come.

اضافه شدن قابلیت Package Registry به Github
WebWindow؛ جایگزین الکترون برای برنامه‌های NET Core.

My last post investigated ways to build a .NET Core desktop/console app with a web-rendered UI without bringing in the full weight of Electron. This seems to have interested a lot of people, so I decided to upgrade it to newer technologies and add cross-platform support.

The result is a little NuGet package called WebWindow that you can add to any .NET Core console app. It can open a native OS window (Windows/Mac/Linux) containing web-based UI, without your app having to bundle either Node or Chromium. 

WebWindow؛ جایگزین الکترون برای برنامه‌های NET Core.
رونمایی از Windows Compatibility Pack for .NET Core

Porting existing code to .NET Core used to be quite hard because the available API set was very small. In .NET Core 2.0, we already made this much easier, thanks to .NET Standard 2.0. Today, we’re happy to announce that we made it even easier with the Windows Compatibility Pack, which provides access to an additional 20,000 APIs via a single NuGet package. 

رونمایی از Windows Compatibility Pack for .NET Core
روش استفاده از Async&Await در Portable Class Library دات نت 4
چند وقت پیش زمانی که قصد داشتم از یک Portable Class Library  که تحت دات نت 4 بود توی پروژه ام استفاده کنم متوجه شدم که این نوع Class Library از فضای نام System.Threading.Task پشتیبانی نمی‌کنه. قصد داشتم که از این فضای نام برای بحث TPL توی پروژه ام استفاده کنم و چند تا متد Async بنویسم. زمانی که سعی کردم  با استفاده از Nuget؛ AsyncAwaitCTP رو نصب کنم با خطای زیر روبرو شدم.

دستور مورد نظر در Nuget :
PM> install-package AsyncAwaitCtp
و اما خطا
Install failed. Rolling back...
install-package : Could not install package 'AsyncAwaitCTP 1.0'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETPortable,Version=v4.0,Profile=Profile3', 
but the package does not contain any assembly references that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
At line:1 char:1
دستور بالا برای نصب AsyncAwaitCTP در Class Library تحت دات نت 4.5 استفاده می‌شه.
خلاصه بعد از یکم جستجو متوجه شدم که باید از دستور زیر برای نصب TPL توی Portable Class Library تحت دات نت 4 استفاده کنم.
PM > install-Package Microsoft-BCL-Async -Pre
که بازم با خطای زیر مواجه شدم.
Install failed. Rolling back...
install-package : Could not install package 'Microsoft.Bcl 1.0.16-rc'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 
'.NETPortable,Version=v4.0,Profile=Profile3', but the package does not contain any assembly references that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the 
package author.
At line:1 char:1
+ install-package Microsoft.BCL.Async -Pre
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand
از اونجا که از دستور بالا مطمئن بودم و می‌دونستم که باید درست کار کنه فهمیدم اشکال کار از یه جای دیگه است. خلاصه بعد از یه جستجوی 25 دقیقه ای متوجه شدم که
Nuget نصب شده روی سیستم من Update نیست. برای همین به روش زیر عمل کردم .
از منوی Tools گزینه Extension And Updates رو انتخاب کردم. بعد از صفحه مورد نظر گزینه Updates روز از منوی سمت چپ انتخاب کردم و درنهایت گزینه Nuget Package Manager. مثل شکل زیر:

بعد از اتمام عملیات Update دوباره دستورات مورد نظر رو وارد کردم که به خوبی عملیات نصب CTP به اتمام رسید.