نظرات مطالب
زیرنویس فارسی ویدئوهای مقدمات AngularJS - قسمت اول
سلام و تشکر از زحمتی که کشیدید.
هیچ کدوم از فایلها رو نشد دانلود کنم و خطای زیر رو توسط دانلود منیجر می‌داد:
An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. This normally results if the peer application on the remote host is suddenly stopped, the host is rebooted, or the remote host used a 'hard close'

روش طراحی DTOهای مناسب یک Web API

When designing web APIs, it's important to think about how the data being passed to and from the endpoint will be structured. How important is reuse in these considerations, and how much reuse can you get away with before it starts causing other problems? 

روش طراحی DTOهای مناسب یک Web API
ارائه‌ی کتابخانه‌ی SQLite به صورت یک اسمبلی خالص دات نتی

Preview: The SQLite Llibrary as a .NET assembly
The latest pre-release of SQLitePCLRaw contains a new bundle package called SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_cil. This package is like SQLitePCLRaw's other "bundle" packages except that it involves no P/Invoke and no platform-specific shared libraries. Instead, bundle_cil provides the SQLite library as a pure .NET assembly which was compiled by Llama. 

ارائه‌ی کتابخانه‌ی SQLite به صورت یک اسمبلی خالص دات نتی
نحوه پیکربندی و استفاده از PostgreSQL در Entity Framework Core

نحوه پیکربندی و استفاده از PostgreSQL در Entity Framework Core  

Npgsql has an Entity Framework (EF) Core provider. It behaves like other EF Core providers (e.g. SQL Server), so the general EF Core docs apply here as well. If you're just getting started with EF Core, those docs are the best place to star

Development happens in the Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL repository, all issues should be reported there

نحوه پیکربندی و استفاده از PostgreSQL در Entity Framework Core
طراحی جدول Calendar یا DateDimension

What is a Calendar Table and Why is it Useful?

A calendar table is a permanent table containing a list of dates and various components of those dates. These may be the result of DATEPART operations, time of year, holiday analysis, or any other creative operations we can think of. 

از این جدول به عنوان راه حلی عمومی برای حل مشکل گروهبندی براساس بخش‌های مختلف تاریخ در تقویم‌های موجود و همچنین در طراحی تقویم کاری یک سازمان نیز می‌توان استفاده کرد. 

طراحی جدول Calendar یا DateDimension
راهنمای ساخت URLهای مناسب

This document covers the best practices and pitfalls for building UI to display URLs in browsers and other apps. It covers the main categories of problems and challenges that we’ve seen in building Chrome. The guidance is intended to be generally applicable, but includes some Chrome-specific notes throughout. 

راهنمای ساخت URLهای مناسب
فرق بین ++i و i++ در زبان سی شارپ

The typical answer to this question, unfortunately posted here already, is that one does the increment "before" remaining operations and the other does the increment "after" remaining operations. Though that intuitively gets the idea across, that statement is on the face of it completely wrong

فرق بین ++i و i++ در زبان سی شارپ