نظرات مطالب
یکپارچه سازی Angular CLI و ASP.NET Core در VS 2017
یک نکته‌ی تکمیلی
Microsoft.DotNet.Web.Spa.ProjectTemplates  در آخرین نگارش آن، پشتیبانی از Angular CLI را هم افزوده‌است. برای کار با آن و ایجاد یک پروژه‌ی جدید بر مبنای آن دستورات ذیل را صادر کنید:
> dotnet new --install Microsoft.DotNet.Web.Spa.ProjectTemplates::2.0.0-preview1-final
> dotnet new angular
سپس اگر به فایل‌های Startup.cs و csproj آن دقت کنید، نحوه‌ی استفاده‌ی از بسته‌ی نیوگت Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.Extensions را جهت معرفی مسیر ClientApp/dist و راه اندازی خودکار UseAngularCliServer مشاهده خواهید کرد.

توضیحات بیشتر:
About The Updated SPA Templates From ASP.NET Core 
Migrating from the old ASP.NET Core Angular Spa template to the newer one  
کتاب رایگان Power BI Succinctly

Power BI is a cloud-based business analytics service that gives us a single view of the most critical business data. A tool for creating live dashboards and rich, interactive reports, Power BI allows access to data for monitoring the health of a business. Pierstefano Tucci will take readers through the Power BI interface, query creation, publishing your work, and more in Power BI Succinctly.

Table of Contents
  1. What is Power BI?
  2. Service
  3. Desktop
  4. Mobile Apps
  5. Solution Template
  6. Devoloper
  7. Power BI Embedded
  8. Power BI Gateway: Data Security 
کتاب رایگان Power BI Succinctly
NET Micro Framework 4.4. منتشر شد

The .NET Micro Framework team is pleased to announce the release of .NET Micro Framework 4.4. We fixed several long outstanding issues as well as improved the reliability of lwIP network stack and debugging experience through Visual Studio 2015.

NET Micro Framework 4.4. منتشر شد
امکان استفاده از کامپوننت‌های Blazor در برنامه‌های SPA مانند React و Angular در دات نت 6

Once created, these custom elements -- a custom counter, for example -- can also be used in other single-page application (SPA) web frameworks such as React and Angular. A sample project, aptly titled Blazor Custom Elements, shows how to do just that, providing examples about how to work with those frameworks and the client-side Blazor WebAssembly component as well as Blazor Server.  

امکان استفاده از کامپوننت‌های Blazor در برنامه‌های SPA مانند React و Angular در دات نت 6
دوره 9 ساعته React Router 6

A pretty epic video from Scrimba’s Bob Ziroll that you’ll need a lot of coffee to get through, but you get to see the development of a complete app based around React Router, and it’s free. 

دوره 9 ساعته React Router 6
طراحی دیتابیس یک Workflow Engine

In this series, we're going to walk through the database design of our Workflow app and show each part of the solution was implemented, and finally how they were all wired together 

طراحی دیتابیس یک Workflow Engine
React چگونه کار میکند ؟

My goal here is to walk through my process of building react from the groundup, hopefully giving you an intuition to why things behave the way they do in react.

React چگونه کار میکند ؟