15 نکته برای بالا بردن سرعت برنامه‌های ASP.NET

Performance of your ASP.NET web application is important. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that slow loading times and clunky interaction, will drive customers elsewhere. Even in the case of internal applications where the users have no option but to use the application, their satisfaction is tightly coupled to speed.

There are a ton of ways to improve the performance of a website, let's look at fifteen of them. 

15 نکته برای بالا بردن سرعت برنامه‌های ASP.NET
بررسی روش های توسعه asp.net core بر روی GCP

Now that you can run your .NET Core apps on GCP in a supported fashion, the question becomes what’s the best way to get your apps there? In a nutshell, there are four basic methods for deploying an ASP.NET Core app to GCP, depending on your target environment:

بررسی روش های توسعه asp.net core بر روی GCP
مدل پیکره بندی جدید در ASP.NET CORE

ASPNET Core has a lot of changes compared with the others versions of ASP.NET. One change I want to highlight is the new way to configure settings. With previous versions, this configuration was made by using the common file web.config, but this file simply doesn’t exist anymore in ASP.NET Core. Instead, a new easy way to declare and access to the settings is provided. Let’s take a look. 

مدل پیکره بندی جدید در ASP.NET CORE
تفکر درباره mvc 5,mvc 6,mvc flash 3

Over five years ago I released MvcFlash, and soon after I released the second iteration MvcFlash2. Don't let the terrible naming and versioning fool you, this is one of my favorite creations. As ASP.NET 5 starts to take root and MVC 6 blossoms, I begin to feel more confident about creating the next version of MvcFlash. Honestly, I can't see developing an MVC application without it. Before I do, I thought I would muse about the possible challenges ahead. 

تفکر درباره mvc 5,mvc 6,mvc flash 3
کتابخانه SmartWizard

Smart Wizard is a flexible and heavily customizable jQuery step wizard plugin with Bootstrap support. It is easy to implement and gives a neat and stylish interface for your forms, checkout screen, registration steps etc. Based on the feedback from our users over the past years we have come up with the best ever built jQuery wizard plugin of all time.  Demo


  • Bootstrap support
  • Responsive themes
  • Heavily customizable toolbar, option to add extra buttons
  • Theme support with various themes included
  • Customizable css styles
  • Url navigation and step selection
  • Public methods for external function call
  • Enhanced event support
  • In-built wizard reset method
  • Ajax content loading with option to specify individual url for steps
  • Keyboard navigation
کتابخانه SmartWizard
NET 6 RC 1. منتشر شد

We are happy to release .NET 6 Release Candidate 1. It is the first of two “go live” release candidate releases that are supported in production.  

NET 6 RC 1. منتشر شد
Xamarin.Forms 5.0 منتشر شد

Today we are publishing the latest stable release of Xamarin.Forms, version 5.0. This major release delivers hundreds of quality improvements and brings to stable release new features including App Themes, Brushes, CarouselView, RadioButton, Shapes and Paths, and SwipeView. 

Xamarin.Forms 5.0 منتشر شد
سوالاتی که قبل از مهاجرت به کلاد باید از خود بپرسید

Cloud Computing is currently the hot topic in the developer world these days, and it seems all anyone wants to talk about is the cloud. If you're like me you signed up for something like Windows Azure just to see what the hype was all about. There are a lot of good reasons to move an app to the cloud, but it's still not for everyone. There are some things you need to think about before taking this gamble with your app.  

سوالاتی که قبل از مهاجرت به کلاد باید از خود بپرسید
2.Visual Studio 2017 15.7 منتشر شد

These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.7.2:

2.Visual Studio 2017 15.7 منتشر شد