آیا مهندسان نرم افزار یک کالا هستند؟

WhatsApp had 450 million monthly users and just 32 engineers when it was acquired. Imgur scaled to over 40 billion monthly image views with just seven engineers. Instagram had 30 million users and just 13 engineers when it was acquired for $1 billion dollars.
This is the new normal: fewer engineers and dollars to ship code to more users than ever before. The potential impact of the lone software engineer is soaring. How long before we have a billion-dollar acquisition offer for a one-engineer startup? How long before the role of an engineer, artisanally crafting custom solutions, vanishes altogether?

آیا مهندسان نرم افزار یک کالا هستند؟
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8.2 منتشر شد
حجم تقریبا آپدیت از نسخه قبلی (17.8.1) حدود 666G میشه.

Summary of What's New in this Release of Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8.2

  • Fixed an issue where, in certain situations, a document window can get stuck showing a loading message.
  • In some cases (when a project is located under a solution folder) you may see an error when saving the project. The project would get saved but you would see an error about unable to cast a COM object. This issue is now fixed so the error is no longer displayed.

Developer Community

Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8.2 منتشر شد
انتشار Stimulsoft Reports 2018.1 با پشتیبانی از NET Core.

Native .NET Core Support
In the release 2018.1, we present a full-featured report generator, created using the cross-platform technology — .NET Core. A full set of Web components such as the report designer as well as additional tools for quick export and report printing is available. The .NET Core components are included in the product Stimulsoft Reports.Web and Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate. 

انتشار Stimulsoft Reports 2018.1 با پشتیبانی از NET Core.
اجرا کردن کد های جاوااسکریپت در برنامه های ASP.NET Core

Not many are familiar with this awesome feature of dotnet core. Aspnet team is actively maintaining a project named  JavascriptServices ; Along with other packages, it includes the NodeServices package. Using this package, one can easily create an instance of node and execute JavaScript code (function) in the backend. If you think of it right now, you can see that it actually opens up a wide variety of development opportunities. By opportunities, I mean; the ASP.NET core project is trying hard to make its package eco-system (NuGet) rich but while doing it, why not get advantages of other package eco-system as well, right? When I talk about other than nuget package manager, the first name that comes to my mind is Npm (node package manager). Npm is the largest package manager out there on this very day and its growing rapidly. By using NodeServices package, we can now use (not all of the npm packages but) most of the npm packages in our backend development. So, let me show you how to configure NodeServices in your aspnet core project and use it to execute JavaScript code on the backend.

اجرا کردن کد های جاوااسکریپت در برنامه های ASP.NET Core
جلسه پرسش و پاسخ در مورد آینده‌ی ASP.NET Core و Blazor

ASP.NET Core and Blazor futures Q&A | DIS201H


Join us for a discussion on the future of web development with the ASP.NET Core team. Get the team's perspective first-hand on the roadmap for ASP.NET Core and Blazor in .NET 8 and get all of your burning questions answered. We discuss Blazor, Native AOT, cloud native development, and anything else that you want to ask us about. 

جلسه پرسش و پاسخ در مورد آینده‌ی ASP.NET Core و Blazor
روش فعالسازی قالب‌های NET 5. در Visual Studio 2019

You may have noticed it already, but when you create a console application with Visual Studio 2019, the default runtime is not .NET 5 but .NET Core 3.1! Why ? Because .NET 5 is not LTS and therefore Microsoft has intentionally chosen to offer the latest LTS version of .NET by default, ie .NET Core 3.1. 

روش فعالسازی قالب‌های NET 5. در Visual Studio 2019
نگاهی به PHP در سال 2019
  • PHP is actively developed with a new release each year
  • Performance since the PHP 5 era has doubled, if not tripled
  • There's a extremely active eco system of frameworks, packages and platforms
  • PHP has had lots of new features added to it over the past few years, and the language keeps evolving
  • Tooling like static analysers has matured over the past years, and only keeps growing 
نگاهی به PHP در سال 2019
NET 5.0 Preview 8. منتشر شد

Today, we are releasing .NET 5.0 Preview 8. The .NET 5.0 release is now “feature complete”, meaning that very nearly all features are in their final form (with the exception of bug fixes still to come). Preview 8 is, appropriately, the last preview. We plan on releasing two go-live release candidates before the final .NET 5.0 release in November. This post describes a selection of features across the .NET 5.0 release. 

NET 5.0 Preview 8. منتشر شد