کتاب Bing Maps V8 Succinctly

At least 80% of all information being collected by enterprises includes geolocation data. The Bing Maps V8 library is a very large collection of JavaScript code that allows web developers to place a map on a webpage, query for data, and manipulate objects on a map, creating a geo-application. In Bing Maps V8 Succinctly, James McCaffrey takes readers through utilizing this library, from creating the simplest application that uses it, to mastering more advanced functions like creating color-gradient legends and custom-styled Infobox objects.

Table of Contents
  1. Getting Started
  2. Fundamental Techniques
  3. Working with Data
  4. Advanced Techniques 
کتاب Bing Maps V8 Succinctly
آموزش مقدماتی NET Aspire.

Build Better Apps with .NET Aspire - Complete Beginner's Guide & Tutorial

Let's start building better apps with .NET Aspire! Find out how adding .NET Aspire to your existing apps can help them be more observable, resilient, scalable, and manageable. All in just a few lines of code enable these features and at the same time boost developer productivity with features to help you build apps faster including orchestration and service discovery. It also gives you deep insight into your application with OpenTelemetry and a developer dashboard on your local development machine or in the cloud. We will also take a look at how to deploy your projects that use .NET Aspire and how it works under the hood. Finally, we will look at how to use some of these great features in non-.NET projects such as JavaScript and Python!

آموزش مقدماتی NET Aspire.
سری آموزشی ASP.NET Core Identity Deep Dive

It’s time that we have an deep dive series for ASP.NET Core Identity that learn to use how ASP.NET Core Identity works and how we can use its powerful feature to have an authentication and authorization system.  

سری آموزشی ASP.NET Core Identity Deep Dive
محصول ، مدیریت محصول و مدیریت پروژه

There a misinformed notions floating around the agile community that products and better than projects. That some how - unspecified and unsubstantiated  as usual - that projects are undesirable and focusing on products and their value - again unspecified how to measure that value and unsubstantiated that value measurement isn't what projects do as well. 

محصول ، مدیریت محصول و مدیریت پروژه
کتابخانه intence
Intence is a new UX concept and a JavaScript library which reflects the scrolling state in a simple and intuitive manner. It highlights the scrollable area depending on the scrolling amount, thus efficiently explaining to a user what exactly can be scrolled, and is there much to scroll. Intence is suggested as a scrollbar replacament for a general designation of a scrollable area. The library is written in vanilla JavaScript and has no dependencies.  Demo
کتابخانه intence
انتشار Unity 2018.1

The Visual Studio team is excited about the Unity 2018.1 release: It’s the start of a new release cycle packed with great new features like the Scriptable Render Pipeline and the C# Job System. You can read the full blog post by Unity for all the details on what’s new in the 2018.1 release. 

انتشار Unity 2018.1
انتشار نسخه 5.0.0 Swashbuckle.AspNetCore

This release contains a number of significant changes, including a transition to Swagger/OpenAPI v3 and support for ASP.NET Core 3.0, and will require modifications to your application setup if you're upgrading from previous major versions. 

انتشار نسخه 5.0.0 Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
تشخیص تفاوت بین IIS سرورهای مختلف

I commonly hear the phrase “The web application worked in the pre-production environment and now is encountering issues in production and the server’s configuration are identical!” when I appear onsite to help assist with the resolution of the issues. Upon further investigation, an IIS module has not been installed on the production server, or the configuration is different for an application pool setting between the pre-production and production environments. This is a very common scenario I encounter in the field and here are some suggestions on how to determine differences between IIS servers in an IIS farm environment or between servers in different environments, such as pre-production and production. Keeping server configuration and content synchronized is always a challenge and I hope these suggestions help out.

تشخیص تفاوت بین IIS سرورهای مختلف