معرفی WebAssembly بر روی Server

WebAssembly is moving beyond the browser and is pitched to become a foundational element of modern cloud-native architecture. It lets any language compile to universal binaries that run on any OS or processor, robustly sandboxed and with great performance. This session covers a new approach to running .NET in WASI environments. You’ll see how your existing .NET code could be built into WASI-compliant modules, plus the opportunities this opens. This is experimental, not yet a committed product. 

معرفی WebAssembly بر روی Server
مثال هایی از نحوه نوشتن PBI
  • As a site visitor, I can read current news on the home page.
  • As a site visitor, I can access old news that is no longer on the home page.
  • As a site visitor, I can email news items to the editor. (Note: this could just be an email link to
  • the editor.)
  • As a site a site editor, I can set the following dates on a news item: Start Publishing Date, Old
  • News Date, Stop Publishing Date. These dates refer to the date an item becomes visible on the site (perhaps next Monday), the date it stops appearing on the home page, and the date it is removed from the site (which may be never).
  • As a site member, I can subscribe to an RSS feed of news (and events? Or are they separate?).
  • As a site editor, I can assign priority numbers to news items. Items are displayed on the front page based on priority.  
مثال هایی از نحوه نوشتن PBI
دوره ساخت قدم به قدم یک برنامه‌ی NET MAUI.

In this video we perform a full step by step build of a .NET MAUI App that we test on both Windows and Android. The app interacts with a separate .NET 6 API that we also build step by step.

Level: Beginner

⏲️ Time Codes ⏲️


- 0:48 Welcome
- 03:13 App demo
- 06:07 Course overview
- 09:14 Ingedients
- 10:10 What is .NET MAUI?
- 12:48 How MAUI works
- 15:14 MAUI project anatomy
- 19:47 MAUI App start up sequence
- 22:29 UI Conepts
- 28:21 XAML vs C#
- 30:29 Solution Architecture
- 31:41 Application Architecture

API Build

- 35:31 API Project Set up
- 42:41 API Model definition
- 44:47 API Db Context
- 47:13 Connection String
- 52:19 Migrations
- 56:31 API Read Endpoint
- 1:01:58 API Create Endpoint
- 1:08:15 API Update Endpoint
- 1:12:57 API Delete Endpoint

MAUI App Build

- 1:17:21 MAUI App Project Set up
- 1:21:00 Android Device Manager
- 1:25:08 MAUI Model definition
- 1:31:16 Data Service Interface
- 1:35:40 Data Service Implementation
- 1:47:27 Data Service Read Method
- 1:53:34 Data Service Create Method
- 1:58:48 Data Service Delete Method
- 2:01:53 Data Service Update Method
- 2:05:41 Android environment config
- 2:11:00 Architecture check point
- 2:11:54 Register MainPage for DI
- 2:14:13 MainPage code-behind
- 2:21:03 MainPage XAML Layout
- 2:30:19 Re-work MainPage layout
- 2:35:12 Add another page (ManagePage)
- 2:38:01 Adding a Route
- 2:30:01 Regiter ManagePage for DI
- 2:40:29 Complete MainPage code-behind
- 2:45:12 ManagePage code-behind
- 2:51:16 QueryProperty
- 2:57:34 ManagePage XMAL
- 3:07:56 Run on Windows
- 3:09:30 Re-work ManagePage layout
- 3:16:26 Using HttpClientFactory


- 3:21:02 Wrap up and thanks
- 3:21:31 Supporter Credits 

دوره ساخت قدم به قدم یک برنامه‌ی NET MAUI.
نظرات مطالب
تهیه قالب برای ارسال ایمیل‌ها در ASP.NET Core توسط Razor Viewها
با سلام؛ خطای زیر از چی میتونه باشه؟
System.AggregateException: 'Some services are not able to be constructed' 
InvalidOperationException: Error while validating the service descriptor 'ServiceType: Blog.Core.Services.Interfaces.IUserService Lifetime: Transient ImplementationType: Blog.Core.Services.UserService': Unable to resolve service for type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.IRazorViewEngine' while attempting to activate 'Blog.Core.Convertors.ViewRendererService'. 
InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.IRazorViewEngine' while attempting to activate 'Blog.Core.Convertors.ViewRendererService'.
در ضمن پروژه از نوع asp.net core 3 هست.
23.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد

Issues Fixed in 15.9.23

  • Fixed C++ compiler bug for proper folding of inline variable dynamic initializers. Ported from the VS 2019 16.0 release.
  • Security improvements in vctip.exe.
  • A change to enable Enterprise IT administrators and deployment engineers to configure tools like Microsoft Update client & SCCM to determine applicability of VS2017 updates hosted on Microsoft Update Catalog & WSUS.

Security Advisory Notices

23.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد
تازه ها در TypeScript
TypeScript continues its growth journey with more and more JavaScript developers and framework authors taking advantage of the excellent tooling and productivity boost that TypeScript provides in order to create apps that scale. In this session, we talk about the Typescript journey with a focus on some of the most exciting recent features and a preview of things to come. Apart from the language and tools enhancements, see efforts already underway to bring some of the power of TypeScript to existing JavaScript projects. 
تازه ها در TypeScript
نظرات مطالب

عنوان خطا: The anti-forgery token could not be decrypted

جزئیات خطا

The anti-forgery token could not be decrypted. 
If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster,
ensure that all machines are running the same version of ASP.NET Web Pages and
that the <machineKey> configuration specifies explicit encryption and validation keys. 
AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. 
Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Web.Mvc.HttpAntiForgeryException: 
The anti-forgery token could not be decrypted.
If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, 
ensure that all machines are running the same version of ASP.NET Web Pages and that the <machineKey> configuration 
specifies explicit encryption and validation keys. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.
شرایط  برنامه:  در زمان ذخیره سازی اطلاعات.(در Mvc دات نت فریم ورک 4.5 و Vs2013)

موارد مشابه در سایر انجمن‌ها : اینجا و اینجا و ...

نتیجه حاصله: درج MachinKey در WebConfig برای مثال:

  <machineKey validationKey="mykey" decryptionKey="myotherkey" validation="SHA1" decryption="AES" />
سوال: علت بروز خطا بر روی بعضی از سیستم‌ها چیست؟ چرا همیشه این خطا نمایش داده نمی‌شود. چرا پیغام نمی‌توانم Decrypt کنم؟ پس چرا در همین برنامه ولی دربخش دیگری که از anti-forgery token استفاده شده مشکل وجود ندارد؟