کتابخانه JSIL
JSIL is a compiler that transforms .NET applications and libraries from their native executable format - CIL bytecode - into standards-compliant, cross-browser JavaScript. You can take this JavaScript and run it in a web browser or any other modern JavaScript runtime. Unlike other cross-compiler tools targeting JavaScript, JSIL produces readable, easy-to-debug JavaScript that resembles the code a developer might write by hand, while still maintaining the behavior and structure of the original .NET code.  Demo
کتابخانه JSIL
معرفی ویژگی Hot Reload در .NET 6.0.

With .NET 6 Preview 3, you can use hot reloading with your ASP.NET Core apps. Hot reloading supercharges your productivity and allows you to see your changes in real-time. 

معرفی ویژگی Hot Reload در .NET 6.0.
پیش به سوی dotnet cli

In the next release, RC2, slated for sometime in Q1 2016. The commands will be reduced to:

dotnet run  
dotnet compile  
dotnet pack  
dotnet restore  
dotnet publish 

پیش به سوی dotnet cli
10 راهکار برای استفاده Bluetooth در Xamarin

10 راهکار برای استفاده Bluetooth در  Xamarin 

Currently, I am helping my client to develop an SDK to communicate with Bluetooth le device. I developed three SDKs: one is Xamarin, iOS native with Objective-c and Java SDK for Android. Here are some tips I found when I was developing these SDKs. I hope these will save the time for firmware and mobile developers. 

10 راهکار برای استفاده Bluetooth در  Xamarin
نظرات مطالب
ارسال پیام های تبلیغاتی به Telegram با استفاده از #C
چند نمونه دموی برنامه هایی که من دیدم از خود برنامه وایبر در دسکتاب استفاده  می‌کنند. به این صورت که، زدن کلیدهای روی برنامه سیموله شده. ولی در مورد تلگرام قضیه فرق میکنه خود شرکت از استفاده از API استقبال میکنه:

Using Telegram API
Our API is 100% open for all developers who wish to create Telegram applications on our platform
 Feel free to study the open source code of existing Telegram applications for examples of how things work here
دوره‌ی کامل میکروسرویس‌ها در دات نت

.NET Microservices – Full Course, Les Jackson
In this step-by-step tutorial I take you through an introduction on building microservices using .NET. As the name suggests we build everything completely from start to finish –with the full scope of the course outlined in the time-stamp section below. However, at a high-level we’ll cover:

• Building two .NET Microservices using the REST API pattern
• Working with dedicated persistence layers for both services
• Deploying our services to Kubernetes cluster
• Employing the API Gateway pattern to route to our services
• Building Synchronous messaging between services (HTTP & gRPC)
• Building Asynchronous messaging between services using an Event Bus (RabbitMQ)


دوره‌ی کامل میکروسرویس‌ها در دات نت
Humanizer 2.0 منتشر شد

Earlier today we finalized and published the next major release of Humanizer. This version includes many fixes and new features, many of them coming directly from the community. 

Humanizer 2.0 منتشر شد