نگاهی به Windows Package Manager 1.0

Benefits of a package manager

  • Check the version of any program or package
  • Update the Existing Version you already installed
  • Download and install in just one Command
  • Automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing computer programs
  • Upgrade all the program at once
  • Export list of program that you've installed and install them back whenever you required 
نگاهی به Windows Package Manager 1.0
تقویم Datepicker متن‌باز شمسی برای React
Supports Gregorian and Jalali calender
Uses context api to share data
Supports three types of calender: single day - date range - multiple dates
Fully customizable
Supports maximum and minimum dates
Capability to add a list of disabled dates
Supports time for single and range type
Capability to mark weekends
Function called for change, open and close events
Supports Typescript

تقویم Datepicker متن‌باز شمسی برای React
گردهمایی‌های مجازی توسعه دهنده‌ها

Virtual Events for Developers

While in-person conferences and events may be cancelled, there are still many online opportunities for you to stay connected. Browse the full list of virtual events to continue to grow your skills as a developer, contribute to interesting projects, and meet like-minded developers around the world.

گردهمایی‌های مجازی توسعه دهنده‌ها
لیستی از ابزار ها و فریم ورک های تست

This is a list of Automated Testing Frameworks for .NET related to methodologies and types of tests:

  • Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)
  • Specification by Example (SBE)
  • Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD)
  • Property-Based Testing (PBT)
  • Unit \ Integration \ Acceptance \ Specification \ etc. Tests 
لیستی از ابزار ها و فریم ورک های تست
افزونه‌هایی برای کار با Entity Framework Core
This is a list of some of the available Entity Framework Core extensions out there that expand the functionality of the Entity Framework Core runtime. Only libraries that extend DbContext or similar are included, and they must be published on NuGet.org.
افزونه‌هایی برای کار با Entity Framework Core
لیست فرمان های Nuget برای EF Migrations

Entity Framework Migrations are handled from the package manager console in Visual Studio. The usage is shown in various tutorials, but I haven’t found a complete list of the commands available and their usage, so I created my own. There are four available main commands 

لیست فرمان های Nuget برای EF Migrations
آنچه هر برنامه نویس جاوا اسکریپت درباره ECMA Script 2015 باید بداند

, What Every JavaScript Developer Should Know About ECMAScript 2015 is the book I'd like to read about the new features in the JavaScript language. The book isn't a reference manual or an exhaustive list of everything in the ES2015 specification. Instead, I purposefully selected what I think are the important features we will use in everyday programming.  

آنچه هر برنامه نویس جاوا اسکریپت درباره ECMA Script 2015 باید بداند
NuGet 3.2 منتشر شد

  There are fixes available for a number of blocking issues and adds support for push and list for compliant V3 servers. We also added support for the command line client to interact with v3 servers as well as project.json managed projects.

NuGet 3.2 منتشر شد
نظرات مطالب
EF Code First #3
باتشکر.من وقتی از متادیتای خواص  [ForeignKey("FK_User_Id")] استفاده می‌کنم چنین خطایی رو سیستم صادر می‌کنه:
Additional information: The ForeignKeyAttribute on property 'User' on type 'Models.Project' is not valid. The foreign key name 'FK_User_Id' was not found on the dependent type 'Models.Project'. The Name value should be a comma separated list of foreign key property names
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